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Everything posted by Beaver

  1. Will be interesting to see how Boort finds this years trip. Will it be boring? Will he be first to camp and hit the blue tops way too hard? Will he be overcome by the power and speed and put himself through a fence? Tune in in a couple of weeks to find out!
  2. Yeh they are on there now. No rubbing so far, and normally I would have an hour excited gooch even going to work. The work down headstud some nuts will thank me I'm sure!
  3. Ive also done the raglan ride, some hectic bush bashings, and some backyard racing over the last couple of months. So I'm reasonably comfortable in its ability haha.
  4. I rode my bike 6km to work this morning for the first time in a long time. Pretty sure it's ready for eastcape now.
  5. Faaark. massive spanners in the works. Without going into details, is there anyone who will be heading back to Gisborne after we finish on the Sunday with room for a body (no bike space needed)?
  6. I've definitely got a room with you both nights. Don't let me down maaaaaaan
  7. It's November, which means Raglan. Turn up or you're a dumb dumb. Thursday 19th November. It's that time of year, so blow the dust off and bring your cars and bikes out for the annual Raglan meet, presented by oldschool.co.nz and CJC. Meet up at Countdown Dinsdale where we will convoy out to Raglan and park up on Marine Parade. Will look to get on the road about 6pm. There is a takeaway/fish and chip shop right next to where we will be parked up in Raglan, or plenty of other options to grab something from town and bring it across. Lots of parking, plenty of grass and a chance to talk some trash and enjoy a splendid summer evening (fingers crossed).
  8. Don't know why you're so worried @kyteler, not like you're going to finish/cert anything anytime soon *smiley face*
  9. @kyteler do you even read this thread brah? Page 357 and 358 has some yarns from Clint and KK. xoxo
  10. Whoa. Good spotting. Yeh we attempted to get to the Ketemaringi Trig but bailed out about 1km from the top (starting from the Totara Stream end) as it was getting too much effort/the quadbike track ran out haha. Good fun though. The next day went for a explore around the logging/forestry tracks in the areas which was a hoot.
  11. Fast forward another few months, wagon is wof'd and reg'd ready for summer.
  12. Still going strong, did the Raglan ride a few weeks back, and other than my sub-par piloting ability, it went well. Then chucked a knobbly on the back and went bush with some fellow likeminded souls and spent a weekend in the forest. Took inappropriate bikes on inappropriate tracks and it was a blast. Other than drowning it in a mudhole, it came out pretty good.
  13. See first post for new details, basically same as last month as it was one of the better meets in a while. I fucked up the dates (it's already on FB so no going back) so we are having it on the 15th which isn't actually the second to last Thursday....so sue me
  14. This thread is pretty much OS in a nutshell. Oodles of shit yarns, followed by 3 people actually turning up haha. Also @xsspeed it's not even your island you thief
  15. Sorry guys, I'm out. One of my indicators didn't survive the raglan ride so that's put me out of the running. Said no one ever. But seriously, my indicator doesn't work. I'll still be there though, never fear for beaver is here!
  16. Think I'll bring the wagon out of hibernation....no one tell the po pop though
  17. Old mate Harry is ok the case, but thanks for the offer Pete
  18. Beauty, cheers @JustHarry. Will see how I get on with the auction.
  19. Are there any Rangiorians in the stables that could pick up and post a pair of spotlights for me (pending success on the trademe)? They are new in packaging so just would need sticking in a bag/wrapped and labelled etc. Happy to reimburse time and effort. Cheers!
  20. I'm well aware of your antics, but I can't pass up a chance to stir the pot. Also, I dumped Jacinda. She's soooooo last months news
  21. Yeh, cause 3 dudes wanting couple of pairs once a year is definitely worth holding stock for... (wheres the sarcasm font)
  22. Blasphemy. Only real men do the eastcape on leading link /JELOUS
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