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Everything posted by Yowzer

  1. So venue ideas? Our previous summer meeting point was at the gardens, but the lake could be pretty sweet. Bring along the bicycles and go for a cruise etc. Opinions?
  2. I thought 3Ys did that from new?
  3. I think I may attend. have work on Sunday though, but wooptiedoo
  4. We've been running the Hamilton / Waikato monthly meets for a long while now, however due to declining interest we had all but scrapped it. As such it wasn't a "show the public" kind of meet, more so meet more forum members within the area. The last one in November had only Mikuni, his missus and I. We then put it on hold while everyone was away on holiday / moved to different cities. I have been planning on reviving the monthly meet sometime mid Feb, by which time everyone should be back in the swing of things and hopefully a bit more interest will be shown. It's great you're showing interest, so hopefully we'll be able to get a bit more participation and have a decent meet again.
  5. I think I could do that. Hopefully I can get a trailer for the weekend so I should have some space
  6. These engines do have a tendency of overheating and cracking heads / cracking heads and overheating, so you'd be lucky if it's overheating for another reason without any head damage. I think the TEs had a slightly better head design that resists cracking a bit better than the old ones. If the compression test came up clean, chuck some rad flush through it mash in a new waterpump and thermostat and confirm the fan is doing its job / mash on a big fuckoff electric unit. I'm running many more boost and fuel though my 3L and the water temperature doesn't shift, regardless of how I drive. EGTs get a bit on the crispy side though.
  7. Yah I wasn't gonna bring that one. Just a small minisystem this time.
  8. Car battery runs a fridge for 8.5 hours. Not too shabby really. Shall bring a 2nd battery for stereo duties.
  9. I hope one day your thread will actually contain some pictures of a ratrod. I haven't read anything. I like pictures.
  10. Gon' perform an experiment to see how long a car battery can run a fridge. If anyone has spare batteries bring them along so we can also plug in a stereo / lights or whatever else. Have a few solar panels for charging duties.
  11. How does the flood warning system work? Sensors on the riverbanks? Piss on them at 4 in the morning?
  12. So metservice is trying to tell me it will be raining Wednesday - Friday next week. It fucking better do no such thing. Also, who is heading up/down on Wednesday?
  13. I por15'd portions of my cars roof and left it in the sun. Over 2-3 years it has all but disappeared. But on suspension parts, 2-3 years later the shit is still solid. I would highly recommend it.
  14. Gonna have to stock up mega on supplies for 6 days of awesome. That is a lot of beer.
  15. I picture Seedy ending up in there if we construct something like that
  16. Can do hookups on GSM alarms etc
  17. Shit so keen on pig. Logistics of carting one from Hamilton to Vag is a bit on the iffy side though. Need to find one more local / pick it up on the night
  18. Did just have the idea of running a garden hose between house and shed, plugged into the side and then running to a tap, but then I remembered you need drainage. But then I remembered the drain at the shitau, and problem was solved. So after the shed is finished, plug in a sink with the water inlet on the side, run a hose from A to B, then shove a drainhole out the back wall onto the lawn.
  19. Somewhere in Rotorua this year. Price is yet to be announced
  20. Sooo.... I was reading this thread viewtopic.php?f=9&t=31208 And saw this
  21. I think you should deny the cancellation / they have to give more than 2 weeks notice to cancel shit / come anyway
  22. Them old blowers probably didn't have that great tolerances though
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