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Everything posted by Goat

  1. i'm sorry to say that i cant supply a trailor anymore. But i still cant tow one. And the citroen can carry like a million boxes. So i should still be somewhat useful
  2. K333N as a bean. But i'm working on sunday ftl. oh well. Should make it another time to. Cos swimz rules hard
  3. Sanding floors bow ftl/w. Maby next weekend tho!! The black overrider is peeling off my bumper. They are bolted on but the bolt has rusted through. Its the only thing letting my car down Also, off topic, how the solest going?
  4. Mean bowl. Swap front bumpers for teh one on the red one boe? You gettin those other two? tite
  5. ^have you got a jag bowl? I noticed your avatar had a xj6 grille on it a while back. British ftw Still love jap tho
  6. Yea boe. Got saktron with eccentricly sized boot. And a towball + trailor.
  7. Mean boe. Looks like alot of hard work. Worth it though. The red shell looks a bit rusty. What are you plans paint & panel wise?
  8. So choice that they are all alloy engine! Are the heads crossflow?
  9. ^fo' sho' Is bizzo rolling in the convoy?
  10. exkape from this/\ w3irdo during the week. Chances of molestation greatly drop where /\ = Slammer
  11. ^was so going to write that. But not in that gay way more like: Do it Alex! It will be absoloutly awesome if you drive the gray volvo to oldschool nationals two thousand and eight Edit: at cam not BDA
  12. So does arriving at the meeting point two hours late and Im sure someone will do that No matter what the meeting time is Im guessing Ill get there 20 mins late and still be by myself for half an hour before anyone else turns up nats 07
  13. Where "there" = plimerton weigh station?
  14. ^skids on your lawn / bring trailor to masterton to grab ell sea twenty plz
  15. ^pretty epic to get that dash in What type of power do the standard engines make ?(teh fiat ones not the hondas )
  16. Wellington one boe. Probably easiest for you to just roll straight to trentham. Gizza txt when u there
  17. Should sort meeting places and times on the day via txts. Cos its a convoy of oldschool cars. Theres bound to be breakdowns/cant keep to a shedule etc
  18. Meet out the front of the main enterance, seing there is only a few of us meeting anyway.
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