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Everything posted by kiwi808

  1. Always wanted parts car on blocks on my front lawn for lols. But a parts car is ALWAYS a good thing as buying the little things always cost the most money. I have seen badges/clips/little knobs etc sell for more than doors and other large body parts. Just strip it out, box it up then chop it into useable body cuts and store in a safe dry place..
  2. Also, whenever you are ready we can go down and see Rob (Glenfield Panelbeaters and Car Painters) and we can check how bad the actual chassis is. Cause if it is unwarrantable, or a massive repair, it would be nice to know...
  3. These flares are awesome. Your Panther already has sick flares so you have to go sicker (if that is a word).
  4. This style Rx-3 flare kit looks awesome. Stick a JAF badge on the front for the win.
  5. I regretfully agree. New comers to this event are not going to walk around cleaning up after others etc. Word will get out, it will get too big and eventually the police will get involved and shut it down. I've seen it before soo often. I'm not against new people coming along, I'm all for it, I just think that perhaps we need to get a bit nana spec on some of the ground rules (such as no boozing) and perhaps a couple of buckets of sand around the place for all the dirty smokers? Also, I thought the MX5 that came along were all great looking cars and they are peoples pride and joy. so why not have them parked up top? My Rx-7 is a '89, so what that is now not old enough? You can see where this will go.. Yes, non cool daily's could park down stairs but who is going to decide that? Have Euron8 walking round asking people to park downstairs? I can imagine that will go down well with some people. You will always get to a point where events can need to grow to survive, but too big too soon..
  6. Lots of cars last night. And lots of new ones I hadn't seen before = Good points. Public boozing and dropping emputies on the ground and ciggy butts everywhere = low points. The problem I have with the boozing part is while a sneaky beer never hurt anyone (providing it is only the passengers drinking and in moderation) having people show up just to get on the piss is only ever going to end in tears. Evetually some dickhead will throw a beer of the parking lot, piss in public or do something equally stupid. This will result in police action. To the mods involved I would highly recommend watching what happens with the boozing and if it continues (imagine summer time) then it may need to become booze free. For those of you old enough, remember what happened to the Takapuna Boat Ramp meet ups... Need I say more? Tara you are a legend for picking up after others and it is this caring approach to a wonderful event that will ensure its continued success. *steps down off soap box*
  7. We usually meet up from 6:30 and roll out (Autobot stylz) at about 7:00. Ish. Probably won't bring the Morris Minor this month, because if it rains not only will it leak, but the headlights and wipers are total poos. Probably bring turbo spec instead.
  8. Hope so, other wise I am going to look pretty stupid/sleezy parked up with all the netball girls... all by myself/sleeze spec.
  9. Can you bring both sizes for me to check out?
  10. Hows the parking for wet weather meets? Pretty keen to come along even though the forecast is for cyclone. Just wondering what the dealo is. Also, the morris Minor needs a sticker please. Maybe in white (as I don't think oldschool does shit-looking-not-blue-or-green-but-something-inbetween coloured ones....)
  11. Cool, was wondering what had been done to take up the strain of extra boosts and horseys. Awesome looking FC and you should look at coming to our OldSchool Rx-7 meet up in Hampton Downs... (if you are near byish)
  12. Hoping to get a few friends to tag along with me this week.
  13. Awesome looking FC mate, those rims are LUSH! Has this motor been rebuilt at some stage and with what?
  14. Just wrote a massive rant here then figured you know what your doing so instead will reply with: Stink.
  15. Is it still oil injected? or do you run it on pre mix? Were you give it hell or just cruising when it stopped (or giving it hell at all)? The hard to start and run and blue smoke isn't good though mate.... Good news is I'm no expert!
  16. Oh shit balls. What makes you think you have suddendly blown the engine?? Is it blowing but loads of smoke? hard to start when hot? Those are the normal tell tales?
  17. My bring a british car to this meet. It requires an OldSchool sticker. And a rotary.
  18. Cali Barritos are yummy. Also need a couple of 'oldschool' stickers if avaliable.
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