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Everything posted by 73crownwagon

  1. Friends old man built this lil railway In his back yard in whanganui
  2. If the cruise wants to mission as far as my place in wellsford can have a peak around my shed/bar/house project
  3. ^ I polished my c10 packed camper after work today!! Pining
  4. I told y'all we got diss! Me and the dude Ben season pros
  5. You suck! CAnt wait to drink some beers with you my kumeu mates (that's both bens)
  6. Friday arvo stay night drink liquor hang Saturday/ whatever your sister is doing tom
  7. Put the camper back on the trailer for new year since I wanted use of the truck. Had to make a goose neck extension to lengthen and lift the tow ball height to make it sit level on the chev since it's so tall I'll post some pics sometime of it. Went to arapuni camp ground for new year in it. Only photo I took of the camper was when it was packed up lol still love it to bits!
  8. Steebs camaro I-ROC Camaro! Good job steve can park next to sheepers mustang at kumeu! {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sa320\qc\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs22 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 \ }
  9. Oh mate he baffled about everything in his life I didn't wana no before finally talking about his caravan for sale. at closer inspection you didn't want it anyway..... Fresh coat of house paint
  10. Ol Barry wanted waaaayyy to much! After a Half hour life story he said he wants $5200
  11. There's a pop top camper fibre glass style for sale on the side of the road up my way if someone's interested I can go have a look
  12. Angle grinder? So you doing full tub for Micky T drag slicks then! Good job sheepers
  13. Ol pusher man jumps the gun for the second year in a row on starting a thread literally days before area reps hahahah very keen as usual will be there with bells on
  14. Thanks Hemi! Keep you away from all them fucking snakes being up high haha. Can't wait for mine to sit at the level your truck is at
  15. Someone should buy this one I think it's kinda cool http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/caravans-motorhomes/caravans/up-to-12-ft/auction-1195984511.htm
  16. I had my mountain bike in the tray behind it for the weekend so I sapose a small motorbike could fit! Might have to get my 80 goin now
  17. Thanks guys! Certainly stoked with my purchase. I pulled the awning out and had a look at it didn't get get any photos sorry, it's awesome it doubles in size again when u attach it lol fuck normal tents campers are awesome haha. Had so many old Barry's at the camp site come and pine their shit over it. I think how I'm going to use it is if I'm going somewhere maybe night or two id roll it on top of truck but go anywhere longer would roll back as a trailer so the extra awning can be used.
  18. Swung by the Tron today for work had a spare minute to pick up my cover from the mighty Greg at Midnight Upholstery! All sorted for the weekend at my brothers wedding to give it a test run if the weather permits. Otherwise will have to sleep in my stink daily van.
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