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Everything posted by Corbie

  1. Hmm wednesday.. might show up for a yarn / burger
  2. yea was in hospital. full on scans and stuff.. didnt get sent home with headaches.. just from lack of sleep etc.
  3. nah should do though aye.. got massive headache and shit.. have to find out about acc too.. cant do sfa for a while
  4. head butted a bus.. while it was going about 50k.. broke his window.. fucker
  5. Buses can gtfo.. won't make it.. can't drive fail spec.
  6. still in my holiday period.. might not be able to start school yet either.. which sucks balls
  7. stay in levin for a few days. then head home.. have to file for acc.. loss of earnings etc.
  8. its parked in Kilbirne outside little bros for now.. believe big bro is going to bring it to levin tomorow will be parked here till i can drive again (ages away)
  9. broken collarbone, bus windscreen, couple of grazes and a bump on the head.
  10. yea im all G. still have no idea what actually happened.. don't make a habit of hitting buses.. will avoid doing so in future.. thought it was a joke at first.
  11. mostly.. cant drive for a while.. and im pretty much hungry now
  12. Hi guys.. sorry I missed this.. spent the night in A&E. would rather have had pizza tbh
  13. off to wellywood.. see you guys tonight.. if i can find the place..
  14. Wagnats - Like walking on angel kisses.
  15. oh hai, anyone got spare bed/couch/wagonpark for me for after so I don't have to drive home overnight?
  16. Sounds tasty, Now that the Camry is scrap metal no chance of that showing up.. might bring a datsun,
  17. Was Epic mission and well worth it. Plan on doing less than fuck all for a week.. eat some pizza and drive back to AKL
  18. Whats better than Wagoneering? NOTHING!!
  19. oh hai.. Sitting at airport.. coffee is my friend.. see you kents at VH
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