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Everything posted by RUNAMUCK

  1. Mitsubishi's are the cat for people who love the smell of two stroke, but want a four stroke car.
  2. Your car cant rack up KM's if it never runs, (insert image of the black fella tapping the side of his head here)
  3. I'm going to hit my lawns with generous lashings of monsanto's finest in the next few weeks anyway.
  4. My neighbour has a 70's colt GTO. I might invite him over too.
  5. Alright cunts, @Bart's Handbrake will be away that night, and the artist known as @bigfoot is going to be in quakchurch for the night. So if you wanna, swing by mine and sink a brew. We can Barratte all the mitubishi owners for their fucking terrible taste in cars. I probably wont let you inside, (Cos my house is a fucking tip, and it's easier to lock the door that tidy it) but I can fire up the diesel heater. I can crank up the BBQ easy enough too if anyone wants to bring meat. (but you can cook it youreself cos I'm lazy) If you dont know where i live, PM me. (i'd prefer not to put my home address up on a public forum) Say anytime after 6pm?
  6. Have a custom diff yolk made with the correct PCD and an internal spline for the pinion. And make it the desired length? Might do all kinds of awful things to your pinion bearings though.
  7. Probably get one put of the states. They're not as hard to fit as you might imagine.
  8. Nah you just pop it off, stick the flywheel in the freezer, turn the ring gear over, file on the leading edge of the tooth for the pinion to.mesh with with a cut off disc. Warm the ring up and stick it on the other way around. Doubles the life of it
  9. I'll park my car right at the end of the drive to keep everyone on the road.
  10. I'll probably sink a dobro with you that day Darryl. (Only so I can lambast you for your terrible car choices Edit, my mrs will.be away then, so things could get out of hand/meet.at my place
  11. That's a mere 10,000kms to the east. I know a fella over there. Technically it's only 9,250kms from uncle Jake......
  12. On the Vtec thing, I was thinking back to that Honda guy video earlier in this thread. If you had two sets of injectors, (one set delivering into the trumpet like he did) you could probably use the vtec as the change over from standard position to outboard ones. Then at lower speeds it wouldnt suffer from fuel sticking to the walls etc. Even without ITBs, secondary injectors could probably be mounted in the side of an FFP, aiming into internal trumpets within the plenium. /semi ling.

    Power files

    I just came here to say I got an email from toolshed saying their powerfiles are only $99. But then I see that's what they were when I bought mine. 100% would trade again. I havent used it that much, (still chewing through the 10 belts that came with it) but fuck these things are the shit.
  14. Can it hurry the fuck up and be time for this ride already?!!!!
  15. Those graphs are hard to read on my phone. Any chance of a spreadsheet showing the result from each tested configuration?
  16. Feel free to tell me to go fuck myself, (I'd be offended if you didnt tbh) but thinking about this whip, Once you're finished with it, you could.turn.it into cash, and pump that into.paying someone to finish the body on your 110. Maybe you could.drive to OS nats 2013. (Os 20th anniversary)
  17. The video of it laying a fat skid isnt loading?
  18. I envisage most of the chch peeps.will shoot up there after work thurdsay, and stay the night. (Limitless accommodation options) then we'll meet (probably at the end of jollies pass road) and send it. Karl and I visited the people at the alpine village apartments on jollies pass road a few weeks ago. (Aka the camp where OS Hanmeet used for be held) we asked them about the likelihood of us being able to leave vehicles there while we're away. But they're in the throws of negotiating the sale of the lease on the Camp. They're going to stay in touch with Karl. We'll ask the new owners about it. Failing that I've got a few other leads. That camp it close to the ideal start point. Those alpine apartments may be a cost effective option for Thursday night too. Edit, No J-5 ranch.
  19. How many bikes could that monster Jackson electrical trailer haul @sentra? Make the best economic sence to shift all bikes in one load, and split the cost in ferry/gas/etc by that number of ways. I think I paid $300 one way for the first eastcape I did. (Eastcape 2.0) This is a very cheap adventure, bar the crippling cost of logistics/getting there.
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