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63Ragtop last won the day on August 29 2024

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  1. Made up a couple signs on the Lazer cutter, for the shed today.
  2. Haha, I thought it was black paint all this time!!! Nice work man, looks so clean!
  3. So your the nutter cutting up early steel rims! Haha hopefully 16" tyres aren't to hard to find these days!? 120hp is big upgrade for old volksy!
  4. Dude, absolutely incredible work. beyond just repair work, fabrication.
  5. Cool to see another rusty vw on OS. Good work man, those black repop panels are pretty shit eh! EJ is a good ungrade.
  6. Sweet spaceframe mid mount subi set up, guy has a RS2000 body on it, reckon a bug would be cooler!?
  7. Got one bench done, need two more lengths of timber to finish the second.
  8. Very nice man. You're a luthier Harry!
  9. After looking for a new outdoor table and chairs my workmate found this for me. Just a couple rusty frames with no wood. Have been wire wheeling, rust converting, priming and painting as I've had time. Bought some lovely Garapa this week and fitted it up today, so satisfying oiling it up.
  10. Needed to fix a thread on the old vw but couldn't fit the usual tap handle, You can buy these but I have a lathe and the steel was free, took a while to figure out how to cut the inside part, then I overshot it a touch, tapped three M4 grubscrews to center it better, just used it and seemed to work well, I now have a bolted down battery in my car for the first time ever!
  11. Good morrow young Alex, it's one of these little numbers. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/marketplace/computers/networking-modems/wireless-networking/adaptors/listing/5049309357 Worse thing about it is the power wires are finer than human hair, I ended up twisting the fuck outta it and heat shrinking over the top.
  12. Finally got around to mounting the amp. Great spot for an amp, but there isn't much to actually attach anything to and I was not drilling holes in my floorpan. So I came up with this little arrangement using the body mounts to hang the amp. Spun up some spacers to get over the lip on the body. Was hard work bending 2mm stainless like this. front was a little simpler and just hangs from the seat brace. Also added some rubber feet under the amp to isolate it. Drilled and tapped the tunnel for the earth and mounted the stinger circuit breaker, also hooked up the Bluetooth adapter, seems to work well for $20. Also gave the whole area a good clean, found a couple rust spots in the corners so sorted that. The reason for the dirt is the horse hair stuff under the back seat, shit rains down on everything and seems to have some kind of resin that sticks. Not anymore! So chucked everything back together, all looks exactly the same, had a play with the amp settings, seems okay but Bluetooth is cool, seems to have heaps of range to, was controlling the music from across the street!
  13. Had two small wins this evening. Bought a d link Ethernet over power thing for the garage and actually got it to work! Wasn't sure because second hand and the shed has its own circuit. Really pleased with this hack job, I bought this anglepoise style lamp on a wim on trade me, didn't realize it was mules away and payed more in freight. Got it home plugged it in and some lightning jumped out of the cracked transformer! So I converted to a nice friendly 12 volt LED system. Probably better than the tiny fluro tube, and the switch even works.
  14. Holy shit that looks good! You must have a before shot?
  15. Very nice, love the mid century stuff. We have grandma's coffee table, a similar style, needs to be refinished. What did you use to strip it back? Just sand paper?
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