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Everything posted by Bling

  1. 2" ball is pretty oddball. Parents boat trailer used to have a similar coupling type. Was always a bit odd feeling but the trailer never fell off.
  2. They doing it for you then? If not, easy enough to sort here https://www.milwaukeetool.co.nz/redemptions/ Always more to buy... you're on the slippery slope, welcome.
  3. Oh yeah, probably can redeem a free battery via redemption with that kit, the seller give you the info?
  4. Would need to venture to Tool Shed for that carry on. /doesn't look like they have combos in stock though Circ saw is sweet, I only have 12v saw, but it sure makes life easier when paired with a decent capacity battery.
  5. You wanting just a drill or to replace the dugga aswell? I wonder if you can buy adaptors for say Milwaukee battery to Metabo. Could just grab a drill kit then and run the other Metabo gear off the new batteries. These guys are parallel importers, but I tend to buy half my gear from them because overpriced via official importer / channel. https://www.i-tools.co.nz/collections/milwaukee-m18/products/milwaukee-2804-20-m18-fuel-12-brushless-hammer-drill-kit I have that drill, but I grabbed it as a skin as already have some gear. Goes pretty well. Purchased it as I needed to add some 100mm holes to a metal cabinet + MDF, no worries doing that. Then perhaps one of these? I haven't gone deep, could be better / cheaper options. Assuming your gear is 18V too. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004132882705.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.21.3fc35ef1VwSimq&algo_pvid=864618c4-bb05-4619-a739-020689763859&algo_exp_id=864618c4-bb05-4619-a739-020689763859-10&pdp_npi=3%40dis!NZD!44.43!28.87!!!!!%40211bf3f716808541855892097d06c0!12000028141691971!sea!NZ!116624700&curPageLogUid=y1ov6nT4H4UJ
  6. I don't want to say, it still grinds my gears.
  7. Ah cool, was a few years ago now that I was told it by inspector. Knowing me I probably would have googled it lol. New rule method is good. Does seem a bit pointless to have just belts installed though I guess. Unless installed for carting long blocks lol.
  8. Belts need to be gone too, but they may be attached to seats anyway so no biggie. Just FYI.
  9. What about one of those hydraulic hose jokers? Might have access to a good catalogue of that sort of thing for industry use.
  10. Cheers, just a couple before the weather turned to shit. Yeah I'm all for super low cars. But I spent many days in the garage looking at what was needed to go lower than it is. There is enough allowance in the coilovers to go much lower. That is the easy bit. I even purchased new longer bodied shock inserts as it was too low. One of those learn as you go things. Probably could go 50mm+ lower in it, more with the shorter shocks. But then everything else becomes a problem if you want to actually drive it. That's ignoring the geometry side of things that would be in the toilet without spending another bucket of cash on adjustable everything. I'm old, I want something that is relatively comfortable to fang.
  11. Yeah that looks pretty fucking tasty! I wasn't quite ready for the trip, but hopefully we'll have another before the weather turns to shite.
  12. Got this thing down to local garage and it got itself a sticker it hadn't worn in a while. So then it was time to put some rego on it, was going to chuck six months but forgot it's old as fuck now, so 12 months is cheap anyway. So did that, then called up another crowd to organise getting some plates pressed for it. I purchased them off trademe a week after getting the car, really good timing. They were going for dirt cheap so I offered for them to send them to me included in the dirt cheap price, they agreed. The single bashed to buggery plate has been hanging on the wall (it came off a trailer), taunting me for over four years now. Was tempting to go for the Jap plate style, but I ain't got money for that AND a tank of gas these days. Took it for a nice backround trip, the roads are all over the show, but it soaked it all up nicely. Low as possible is nice, but it would have been scraping most of the trip if lower. So a good compromise of low and actually able to drive it at pace over shit rural roads. Quite good being able to hit the sharp corners without slowing and it just sits flat with no roll. Wasn't harsh at all on the undulations in the road either. Overall, very happy with it's ride quality. I'd loved to have had it another 30mm lower, but the compromise needed to achieve that isn't worth it. Plenty around that are MUCH lower than mine, but low isn't everything (cop out lol). I wasn't willing to cut the body / guards to get it lower than it is. Just a short update, but an important one as it's finally back on the road. Will get myself some AA membership going on so i'm not so anxious driving it around. Still needs a carb fettle, likely new jets. So when the weather turns proper shit, i'll whip the carb off and see about sorting that out. Next on the to do list is some deadening and installing the speakers. Will update when I work on the 3D printed mounting hardware for those, but it won't be for a while. Will swap off the Levin badge too for the Corolla "C" badge I have. It's what it had factory, i've just left it on there because lazy. Some pics for proof.
  13. Just go to a different WOF place, if they failed it on that too, investigate it further. It's really the easiest solution IMO. If the car didn't have it from factory, then I don't see how it can be expected to have one installed now. If you can't see evidence that it has been removed, and it has been passing WOF checks it's whole time on the road... My gut says aftermarket stuff will not be allowed without cert. OEM is at least known quality, aftermarket can be a shit show, thus needs to be checked / approved / certed. I looked up brake proportioning valve on aliexpress for the lol's, this was on the first page. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32989771506.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.21.59cca9a8j5UTNa&algo_pvid=9cecc3d3-72a9-4379-b52f-6f2c04a3afa0&algo_exp_id=9cecc3d3-72a9-4379-b52f-6f2c04a3afa0-10&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"66792891068"}&pdp_npi=3%40dis!NZD!37.96!37.96!!!!!%40211bd4cd16795348344407871d0745!66792891068!sea!NZ!116624700&curPageLogUid=31RAH62HUUlj i'm not saying buying it for a second, just thought it was funny. As you were.
  14. Was it the same guy? If there is nothing listed there, then i'd be pretty confident it never existed. If you ask @GuyWithAviators nicely he might be able to check the system to see if that part was ever available for your car. I'd just take it elsewhere for future WOF checks personally. My Corolla looks to have them installed below the master cylinder. Look more complicated than plain tees anyway. My only experience with bias valves is on more modern cars and having to clean them out. I don't know exactly which diagrams will match to your car, but a quick looks suggests there is a load sensing proportioning valve? Which appears to be on the diff and something installed below the brake booster. Like I say though, only guessing off YN130. And depending on spec i'm sure they can vary too.
  15. Look your car up on amayama.com check diagrams etc Will list parts like that, so that should tell you if there was one or someone is smoking the good stuff. Print off the diagram if it shows none from factory. Then start using someone else for WOF's.
  16. Garage doors are a common false trigger for K band from memory.
  17. Bit of a ling post, but when i'd touch up gas fires, i'd just clean the surface and spray away. A few light coats. It either worked fine, or people never chased me up to say it didn't last. Should be pretty similar temps i'd say.
  18. Yeah just make sure you get the right standard hose, I think they had a thing about it in the LVVTA newsletter at some point.
  19. For booster or something else? Booster will need to be the certain spec one. Is 10mm not suitable? I got all my hose from Blackwoods
  20. Hey m9, what are the vegan options? /sounds rad, have fun lads
  21. If you modify something, that if you do it wrong, you die, then you need a cert. A rough guide. Probably have a look at #14 https://vehicleinspection.nzta.govt.nz/virms/in-service-wof-and-cof/light-psvs/brakes/service-brake-and-parking-brake#tab3 Doesn't appear to be listed as a modification that is exempt in the table.
  22. Cert now live, rather than edit the above figured i'd do a quick post as update. WOF time I guess!! That said... as part of recheck I had to modify some parts which aren't shown as changed in the photos. Can only assume that will bite me one day so better look into that. Not sure if lag or my phone was playing up, but shows as popping in a few days ago.
  23. Will see what I have to coat it with, good idea. Was going to put it in shed, but zinc change and hook on my engine crane are starting to corrode... so I think the shed is a bad idea.
  24. Cheers, sounds like a plan. Something to use up the part bottles of oil with.
  25. Rust in A pillar under screen reminds me of mine. Can only see so much in photo, but I imagine that's a window out job. Rust is fun! As for fixing now vs later, i'd do now so it can't get any worse and potentially pop the screen.
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