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Posts posted by flyingbrick

  1. So just an FYI for anyone who cares to follow along

    The Old busa battery is now up to 4.5Ah of capacity when doing the discharge test at 4watts down to a cut off voltage of 12.1v. Thats obviously a huge increase from the originally tested .4Ah and has taken around a week and about 2 minutes every night to switch alligator clips around. I *THINK* that optimum capacity would be around 6Ah if doing this test on the battery when new, but I really do not know what voltage the factory tests down to when specifying capacities. Regardless- If i hadn't bought a new battery this one would be totally usable now- Thankfully it will have a good home in my lawn mower :-D 

    To make the battery more usable I've been running an AliExpress desulphator circuit on it- Basically, it feeds the battery a high voltage pulse (From 0v to around 22v I think). The High voltage pushes energy through the sulphate crystals and knocks them off the lead plates- the pulse stops the battery from overheating as actual amps in is very low. Theres people on YT saying you don't need to bother with that and they jam on some high voltage DC and carefully monitor amps and temperature- but thats too much admin for me- the pulse circuit is simply set and forget.


    1. connect pulse circuit to battery for 24hrs.
    2. run capacity test for 24 hrs (I just check it each night, no idea how long its sitting idle for once it finishes)
    3. repeat steps 1 and 2 until capacity stops increasing.

    In  my case the first capacity test was .4Ah, then 1.5Ah, then 3Ah, then 4.4Ah, then 4.5Ah, so its obviously as good as its going to get, time to move on to the next one.





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  2. 15 hours ago, Muncie said:

    Could you use a centrifugal blower or even a roots supercharger and spin it with a briggs or something? Even a small one should move plenty of air for a single cylinder.

    @Roman if you scope creep to include a roots blower driven by the old eco engine- I'll buy you dinner.

    • Like 2
  3. Yup technology is amazing. 

    Tonight I assembled a basic watt meter/load with voltage switch thing so that I can test battery capacities accurately. Its all just cheap shit from ali express but seems to work OK. 

    You connect a fully charged battery and press the button on the side, this engages the resistors to give a 30 watt load, and then when voltage gets down to 12.1 it disconnects the load and holds capacity information on the screen. During discharge it also displays load in Watts and battery voltage. Quite neat. 

    The old busa battery drops from 13v to 12.3 very quickly,and in total outputs just 0.4Ah before it disengages the load at 12.1v

    I know that I'd get more out of the battery if there was a smaller load (manufacturers test Ah over a ten hour draw down or something) but it should still be a lot better than what I got. 

    Not quite brave enough to connect and test the new battery though, LOL. 





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  4. 13 hours ago, johnnyizegem said:

    I am used to design everything a little to strong, unless weight for example is critical. I design press brakes (LVD) for a living and we allways say, it's designed the LVD way when it's overkill. Better to use a few kilograms to much steel :p

    That's my motto too, but this is because I'm too dumb to understand what the correct amount of steel looks like :roll:.

    If in doubt, make it bigger. 

    • Like 3
  5. Good morning mate.

    Wow, have not been here for some time :-D 

    So dunno if you follow the two wheel stuff but the timeline was like.

    • I buy a 525 KTM with the goal of getting it road legal
    • I find out It cant be made road legal in NZ as its a SA import with no papers
    • I buy a road legal 530 KTM with the agreement (with wife) that I sell the 525.
    • I find a bloke that will swap both the 525 and the 530 for a Hayabusa.
    • Wife is like, "fuck you, thats not how this was going down, you had 4k for a bike not 8k, we need that money"
    • I hurriedly sell LS/car parts in an attempt to raise the 4k that i'd have otherwise made by selling a bike. It works. She's kinda happy but not really.
    • I get a hayabusa.

    tldr I sold most of my really cool shit, but dont regret it.

    The ute (And beetle) are definitely on my mind and get thought about a few times each week. When things return to normal (And im not living in the shed) I'll be finishing off the last of the rust repairs and putting the kitset of parts together. No idea on what the engine will be but the allure of an LS has kinda been lost now that I have something fast.



    • Like 2
  6. 21 hours ago, Lord Gruntfuttock said:

    Holy Carp.

    Brass monkey is next weekend. Who's going? Looks like I have a bit of work to do if the postie is to be my steed...

    brass postie.jpg

    U going to get the wife to bring down your gear? 

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