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Everything posted by TOYOPET

  1. as stated in other thread about this. change to next weekend and theres more chance hamiltonians will come.
  2. its always dodgy / you should have been at phils to find out etc/ im just making that up.
  3. YEAH, isnt there a meat on the 22nd as well??? bugger going up two weekends in a row. keen to roll with someone else, but my car is over road trips hard.
  4. keen for that date... why not do an auckland park up mish, then convoy to ookys for otp at night???
  5. theres one of these running round boundary road / town area in hams... cept... theres like an old maori couple driving it and its got no rear bumper (which actually looks alright) and its white but the cool part is, under the rubber parts along the side of it its got like grid lines and different brightly coloured triangles all over it, its a hard out 80's paint job and i love it hahahahaha...
  6. Keen for auckland otps but would need to be on a weekend etc... make a day of it and things.
  7. wearing your grumpy pants today huh?
  8. yeah, i can handle it not being super smooth, but yeah, i dont really understand this spring rate stuff much, might have to get spencer to sit me down and spell it out in simple terms cos im dumb! with the ke tho, i had kings and it wasnt bumpy or anything, but then i got them compressed and now its super bumpy and stiff.... so i just thort that would be the same for the mark 2... ?
  9. ummm, well you just reminded me i gotta pm nobumps and ask what he did about his lowering for his one etc... want to take my wheel out to cambridge this week... and prolly start sussing lowering in the weekend perhaps.... AHHHAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAA!!!!! You are going to take lowering advice from a guy with the user name nobumps!!!!!?!?!?!?!? That is SO awesome. Honestly. Lower your car in EXACTLY the way he tells you to. It will look great edit: Thats fucking yuck! Seriously, they will be saggy and grose. there will be heaps around. have a look. otherwise springs from heaps of stuff will also fit. HAHA I sent him a pm and was like... so how many coils did you cut off??? didnt even mention anythign about compressing or anything... but, i want it to ride sweet with 5 up etc after its been lowered, so cutting doesnt really appeal aye...
  10. well i dont know of any wreckers that have one of these...... might just get some kings or something and get them compressed.
  11. ummm, well you just reminded me i gotta pm nobumps and ask what he did about his lowering for his one etc... want to take my wheel out to cambridge this week... and prolly start sussing lowering in the weekend perhaps.... prolly see how they look with the tyres its got on it, they may be a bit too balloon like tho... not sure.
  12. mean know where u live etc / never find it again cos his directions took up like 2 whole txts!!! and we still got a bit lost.
  13. Shit me, thats quite a coincidence.... might just sell the to spence for double the amount i paid for them / nah.
  14. hahaha yeah, spencer informed me like 2 seconds after he posted it up and i was like YUP see you saturday etc... one is rooted curbage wise, he said that he had them balanced so i could use them as is, it just needs to filed and few scrapes and shit taken out thats all. but its real obvious so fixing it before they go on the car ftw.
  15. yes come with average tyres, warrantable at my warrant place, prolly not anywhere else... also... im pretty sure the 15 x 8s would fit on the ke either!!! and IMO they would look that great really... they are the same stud pattern tho, may try them on for rofls if i can be bothered.
  16. oh hey boes! bought these last weekend: http://www.garagedori.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3548 the wheels that is.... havent got them on car yet, need to drop my car a little before they go on!! another pic i took on my phone... just to show the dish on the back!!!
  17. with a virus!!! not an infection. doodle.
  18. nah boe your the only one with the infection!
  19. off topic, but was walking to work today, past repco and saw a skyline in the staff carpark out the back / side, and had obviously been doing d1s and crashed, the back guard / bumper was all pushed back out with a hammer and had chrome sprayed it to try and blend into the silver paint, could just see stripes and runs everywhere... nice repco repair job their.
  20. but i want those wheels, so hes going to keep his contacts a secret so i can get these MUHA!
  21. ^^ now that is oldschool.
  22. fully would have come if Zane had txt me earlier.... 1am text saying "otps at sams in aux boe" prolly a little late notice for me!!!
  23. really close to which town newb... not one in the upper north island i bet!!!
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