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Everything posted by Leebo3

  1. Old boy Gasser said we may be able to go to his mates places in Central Hawkes Bay, has a man made lake there and grass area we could go and do some wheelies in. Some people could be water skiing and others doing doughies at the same time, gosh imagine that. Just a bit of an idea for now.
  2. Right lets do this! Another year, another chance for fun times. We have locked in the same place we have stayed the last few times since it seems to work out pretty good. Holla out your thoughts and ideas of what to do, might give the poker run a miss since we have done it for a while/everyone knows where stuff is now. Cool one nice
  3. Fuck some dudes. Oh nice car. Shame you didnt get a photo of the fire. Big G was probably skulling back a beer when it was happening and like, "yeah no worries maaaate"
  4. You buggers better watch out for them Z nails scattered err where me hearties.
  5. Just another piece in the game of swapsies between you 2 buggers. I bet there were a few pine needles behind that dash roflol
  6. Old Lozza work your back to hard Mac attack? Ride height will look tits with half a cube o builders mix in the back. Get better soon bizzo.
  7. Yes hello there lock me in for 2 accomd spots please thanks good day.
  8. Wow this is a real surprise. Straight outa left field. Looks cool Chris Russell Wells. Sid and Amy.
  9. Nice wheels. Nice engine. Nice ute. Nice guy.
  10. There must be more turkeys out there with photos too
  11. Double triple thanks to those that turned up. Kinda sad that we dont get more numbers, but makes it more special for those that do turn up. Few thanksies to holla out - Manu for his ZOMG awesome log-o. Cant wait for next year. Steamy Al, especially for his work turning the great logo into stickers, and how cool were the shirts that he sorted.org aswell. And and his work with oldnathan for making the track action happen. Ogre and Bay Oil Supply Services for a box full of magic prizes. Was flippin sweet. K-trippin for his paperwork side of business, helps make everything go that much smooth. And yeah, all you folk that turned up and made it fun. Will def be trickey to step it up a notch next year!
  12. Remember sleeping bags and stuff too people.
  13. Oh man, 460 would be death in this! But cool. Need HQ front clip. Chuck a thermo in camel boy and you got a deal. As long as complete wagon comes with it. Wont really know much more till I pull shit apart, looks like lots of the push rods have worn through where the 'guide' is.
  14. I went to do a b-owt, 10-5 stz. Valve bounce in N, then chuck it in D and forget. Na fuck not sure how it happened. Maybe the dude set up the roller rockers wrong, and just over time tweaked shit. Will pull engine apart and see what else looks gay. Valves are bent etc too. More a pain in the pooper than anything.
  15. But but but its a fun weekend make the most of it!
  16. For Monday, is everyone keen to do a final group brunch/lunch? We have a venue in Clive, family restaurant called Welcome Stranger, they said they can open for us and at $20 a head we can have platters and pizza till we are maxed out. Platters will be like spring rolls, samosas, meat balls etc. Was thinking round 11.30, so get camp cleaned up, head off for lunch, then after lunch people can head home for the summer. Let me know your thoughts, or if you would just rather do your own thing and head off etc. Lights up '93 Lee
  17. On Sunday we will start the poker run at the Camp again, for Saturday, you could meet us at the faraday centre if you wish. Sheets pretty close now
  18. Good stuff, keep the entries pumping through. Its going to be flippin magic.
  19. Here we go people, all info in the latest post. viewtopic.php?f=28&t=35740&p=927095#p927095 Chair cheer pants.
  20. Fronts are like 14 x 8" and back 14 x 6 or something, reverse drag spec what. Tyres 215 70 yo yo.
  21. Still not planted the pohutakawa Chris, just waiting for fernhill to settle down a bit after I sprayed it with poison. Might terrace it and put lots of natives there, will feel reel home-Lee. Oh what. I hope you like how it says the Strokers were established in 1916. Model t times. Spenno, make sure you just keep hounding Jim, even see on his FB page everyone is asking what the synopsis is with their order.
  22. Yeah yeah worse bit is it said be a few days till it was shipped. And he is really never keen to reply to emails. I finally got the message through via facebook. Should get everyone to go on there and say "Oh man this is dumb, you wanted your car going ages ago" etc etc so he sends free drop spindles. Was going to say we could get a combo deal with shipping, but you live in another country dont you Mr Snuggles.
  23. Long story short, Palmy Swap Mate got tweaked yarned to gasserkiwi asked him if he could buzz me up a metal flake roof for the old girl he said flip yeah lets do it, so en route back to heaven I mean Napier dropped the 5I off to him in DVirke, week later the creation was done. Kinda hard to see in the photos, but it looks oh so cool. Went with a blue flake, proper old stz from the 60's. Still waiting on my disc brakes that I ordered and bloody paid for the week after Hawkes Boes last year. Warrent time soon too, so I better fix all the annoying exhaust leaks. Over and out.
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