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Everything posted by Toucan

  1. And then what? replace them with...?
  2. Box shouldnt be more than $250 at a guess? There may be other ways of doing it, cause that guide seems real complex and all the people who have done it wouldnt of gone to that much trouble I'm sure of it But yea its a great guide so you cant go wrong. I would do it but I'm sposed to be saving for Uni next year...
  3. http://www.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/~kris/escort/gearbox.shtml Your welcome
  4. Toucan

    Diff Ratio

    I like the 3.89:1 thats in my escort. With the old 1300 it wasnt enough power to get any good accelleration out of it but now that Ive got the 1600, I can take off real quick and cruising at 100kms well... you get used to it.
  5. Toucan

    Tuning a Weber

    Also I meant to ask, what kind of air filter are you using on it? If you have just a standard air filter, I highly suggest jimmying up a open style holder thing for it (dont know the name) like I did. Its a bit rangi but you can make it look good and its definately worth it for the sound alone Awesome induction noise compared to a standard air filter unit http://img26.exs.cx/img26/948/Engine.jpg
  6. Toucan

    Tuning a Weber

    Webers are easier than alot of other carbs to tune so consider yourself lucky Do what you can to let it warm up so that it idles with the choke in. Wind up the stop for the accellerator if you need to. Now just tune the needle screw valve thing until it runs smoothly. When its running smoothly, wind down the stop for the accellerator untill it sits at a lower rpm. It takes a bit of fiddling to get it perfect.
  7. Heheh bring it I beat my mates midship rearwheel drive AW11 off the line piece of cake
  8. Toucan


    Isnt the voltage regualator the little rectangle thing on the right hand side of the engine bay? It has a big fat positive wire going into it...
  9. Toucan


    Hope you let it warm up before you revved it to 6 Mine stays on till i rev past about 1800. Check all the main power connections and things, look for lose wires; battery, voltage regulator, coil, fuses, alternator, starter?
  10. Toucan

    Modding 3A-U

    Is that a 1986 Sprinter or a AE86 Sprinter???
  11. Im keen to know more about cost etc, and what is BNT? My old 1300 mounts looked a bit tired when I put them in with the 1600, would be nice to get them re-made with urethane
  12. Yea I bought some awhile back... //oldschool.co.nz/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=946
  13. Haha Im only really doing 49.72 when my speedo reads 50 mwhahahaha!
  14. It's not where I thought it was so I'll grab you the number tomorrow. Well if its a genuine Weber it will say made in Italy on it... like mine
  15. They did come with webers, although these were assembled by ford and labeled as weber and therefore are supposedly not worth as much. Not sure if that is the one, I have one downstairs so I'll check the number later on.
  16. Haha Im all about the escorts but variety is all good so welcome to both you and your nice looking car Where you located dude?
  17. Yea those are the ones... How the damm do you get them out?!
  18. http://www.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/~kris/escort/gearbox.shtml
  19. Hold up i got a link to this somewhere...
  20. I removed the entire back seat, two little plastic clips, the C pillar covers and theres still these three unknown hinge/weird things. they extend into the shell, looking from inside the boot you can see three evenly spaced indents about an inch long, I'm assuming they go into these but I got no freakin idea how so yea I gave up. Thanks anyway guys. Kyteler - Your more than welcome to fly yourself up
  21. Toucan

    efi escort

    That is one of the PHattest escorts aye. Looks a little rounded on all the panels, must of had a wee bit of $$$ put into it.
  22. There might be something on this page at my mates forums. I didnt take the time to read it all... Yea my mate was at tech so he had access to all the right tools and did it for real cheap. http://club3a.snachez.net/viewtopic.php?t=13
  23. I got the two plastic clips out, and the 10mm bolts that go through the top of the seat, I got know idea how to get the 3 other things out I got annoyed and put it back together anyway.
  24. Im just at home ripping apart my car for the fun of it and I have taken the back seat out and wanted to see whats under the cardboard parcel tray thing. How the fu*% do I get it out???? its annoying me, I dont want to damage it but its attached at the back by 3 things, not quite sure what they are or how to get them out so a little help would be appreciated. Come on Kyteler I know you've done this before Edit: heres a pic:
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