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Everything posted by Bullitt

  1. Was a great day, organisers reckoned they had 260 cars (not all british, it was actually a british and european day which americans were also allowed at ). Smaller scale than the wellington one but alot more variation in cars. Have taken photos but theyll have to wait till tomorrow. One issue though. On way home puncture + 65k corner = unintentional D1s, just about caught it but not before it took a glancing blow into the clay bank on the opposite side of the road Damage appears to be limited to Ive flattened the drivers side bumper mount which has pushed the bumper into the guard which has buldged it as seen in the photo. Inner guard, front valance, bumper etc appear to be ok. Wont be too difficult/expensive to fix but still a hassle I could have done withought.
  2. Sorry Im busy on Saturday, I might pop my head in in the evening though for abit.
  3. I can give you a ride up on sunday if you want? Only problem is itll be stupidely early like 5am I leave wellington.
  4. Yeah id be keen for lunch, not beer though.
  5. im not 70kg. hehehehe I suspect neither were some of the other boes
  6. I remeber that conversation but i dont recall what my answer was so whether I said 35 or 49 I have no idea. Sweet as.
  7. How many hole saw blades did you go through?
  8. No useful vehicles but am happy to help out if Im around
  9. vice grips on hose. remove brake shoes...sorted
  10. cheers uncle bob Have tomorrow off now so will see you in Plimmerton
  11. So we dont need to bring anything we can buy at a supermarket then since we'll stop on the way?
  12. So does arriving at the meeting point two hours late and Im sure someone will do that No matter what the meeting time is Im guessing Ill get there 20 mins late and still be by myself for half an hour before anyone else turns up
  13. 12 oclock means I will have to either start really early or take the whole day off neither of which really appeal to me. Given its only 2 hours away what difference does it matter if we dont get there till 4 or 5
  14. This convoy isnt hitting hamilton. Check the other thread.
  15. B16A would be a nice conversion. So much better motor than a 4AGE *ducks* Not sure why youd put the Honda dash and even less so the steering wheel in though. Thats the same wheel I had in my CRX until I changed it, nasty thing. B16A is 160hp in gen 1 and 170hp in gen 2 onwards According to carfolio X1/9 1300s make 75 and 1500s 85...and the late US spec ones 68
  16. Having never met people there I wasnt even aware you could drive to the platforms. Whats best?
  17. Makes sense to go through palmy. Pretty much on the way anyway.
  18. Need to think about reverse too. The Westfield XTR2 uses a Haybusa engine. From memory I think they use a separate electric motor for reverse. Not particularly effective but its not like you ever go very far(st) in reverse. Can put you in touch with the owner if you think it'd be useful?
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