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Everything posted by EpochNZ

  1. Another question for the gestalt (If I can be so bold): So if I read this correctly, I can run my 1973 Saab without bumpers?
  2. This mornings haul.... This afternoons mission is to pull out the Haynes to find out where the screws are to unmount the Blower and the Braking system. This entire car seems to be built with self tapping Philips head screws, I've been able to do it all without changing screwdrivers.
  3. Turned a Swedish Bombshell into a toothless old crone...Part of the plan while we're all under house arrest to strip the engine bay ready for a cleanup and paint.
  4. @Pushiepirate Why did they stop making them? No market? Or technical issues?
  5. @Pushiepirate keen on some info links on the 1 Cell warbirds please....they look awesome!
  6. Yes..... Just had t check, marine are all down in the VHF spectrum and are "protected".....
  7. <sigh> The perfect storm unfortunately....opportunity might exist to visit parents before we contract something that might kill them so might have to do that instead. That pic had me questioning that decision however.
  8. Wide feet/ Low /paint Olive Drab with Hammer and Sickle decals on door please...
  9. I might be able to provide enough for each vehicle......the joys of working for an RF company.
  10. Keen to ride shotgun, can put neds towards adventures.
  11. Me to @h4nd: "Im at home in an empty house smashing chinese takeaways!" H4Nd: "Excellent! Time for Saab!!" Me: : (UUUmmmmmmmmmmmmm).......Yeah, yeah........" I worked out tonight that back in 1968, a Swedish engineer said "I know! Ven za stupid englisher swine goes to take of ze handbrake cable, I'll put a sharp as fuck bracket in ze vay!! Wundabar!!" (Why the Swedish engineer was speaking Commando Comic german I'm not sure...) So after much head scratching, exertion, time under the car getting rained on by swedish under coatings and general all round good times, I got to this: Which left me with this: Getting the handbrake cable out caused a bit of grief for about half an hour and the Haynes manual was no bloody use ("2. Remove the Hand Brake Cable...." WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M TRYING TO DO, FUCKTARD!!!) . Anyway, I'll be able to get this onto the workbench to disassemble and generally zush up a bit, luckily most of the bits you see here are available as spares for pretty cheap. Right, next goal is to get the wishbones, shock and spring off and gain access to the main diseased bit ready for hacking and welding. For those who might be interested, I'm starting a "Give a Little" page to fund a barrel of heavy duty handwash, shares in a company that produces anti-rust primer and to purchase the 40 CD box set of "How to Swear fluently in Swedish....in under 2 weeks!". Any donations will be gratefully received.
  12. Had we known there could have been a smoke display from Christchurchs finest.
  13. Got to drive @h4nd's Dai home, now I've got a wet bum as well. /There may have been a few "Oh Crap" moments......thanks drum brakes and old suspension....
  14. Nah, should blow through. Photos from Timaru are already in sunshine
  15. We had a C64 (Wizard of Wor FTW) but lusted after a friends S64....such an awesome machine.
  16. But seriously, one day I'll get this bad boy fixed up... . Needs a new LCD but powers up okay or did ( /ran when parked). Its a high end Graphite Model somehow frankensteined into an Indigo Blue case. But man, I'd love a Tangerine or Lime case for it.
  17. Olivetti P101.....we had one when I was at high school in the computer lab (C64's and an Apple IIe). I could program it to do complex mathematics (primes etc), could save programs on magnetic cards. Apparently they used them for the moon landings. /Old man rant
  18. Beginnings of an Oldschool Steampunk noise box. First up: The oscillator (courtesy of valve via @h4nd)
  19. So the orange skoda will only live on in my dreams amidst regrets of the one that got away...
  20. So how much is left there now? Are we all too late?
  21. So I’m safe for a few years, that’s good to know.
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