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Everything posted by smokin'joe

  1. i guy i know used 'euro' LHD MK2 Escort rack to R+P his Datto 120Y. engine required front-mount rack
  2. he is not under Lovatt Mitsubishi anymore (shit yarn, don't need to bore you) but is now a Honda agent. still has some access to Mitsi parts,, but mainly competition side. only have his cell number, but best to call the workshop.
  3. depends what you hope to acheive as end goal have a yarn to the Mitsi rally lads. Malcom Lovatt in Ashburton, Bruce Herbert in Palmerston North, plenty others mucking with them. looks like they can have an insert fitted easy enough by removing the top nuts, fire some Bilsteins or adjustable konis in there. if going coil-over, modify for something decent, and rebuildable, avoid cheap coil-overs, not worth the hassle of the cert, for how long they last
  4. gotta head up in next few days, to pick up a seemingly rusty Bitsamistsi, and could call on for beer and yarn on way back past
  5. are you on Air Liquide ownership ?
  6. am on Home D with BOC $180/PA with 1 free refill.......... which is a good thing when one forgets to turn the gas bottle off !!
  7. Jack Hawkswood maybe ? , as he seemed a bit unimpressed with his new car, which is sister-car to McKenzies, i believe
  8. we often had semi-seized pistons in the Falcons, especially the utes . maybe from burnouts or too many heavy loads rooting the prop. valve
  9. even with a constant load ? that's what killing the PSU's.
  10. burning PSU's out, as each heater draws 7-8A, plus have cycle pumps and lighting. 30A will be a decent starting point, may need 2 of them
  11. that's the 24v version of what i will try and keep the smoke in tomorrow
  12. have recently bought 12v 30Amp unit, and very doubtful about its capabilities....... might wire up tomorrow to see if smoke stays in, as need heating in shed capsicums are sulking
  13. often the cat light will iluminate, so the wire needs to be grounded. sell cat to pay for str8pipe
  14. plenty of NZ new Y-series engines, see if you can find carb and manifold had 3Y in YN57 hilux ute, and was as cheap to run as my 5L diesil hilux, and 7AFE corolla i had the crappy emissions nonsense on an early incarnation of 3T silliness, and was a prick for miss/ carb icing, richening/leaning, so fitted NZ new carb manifold... too easy
  15. run length of clear hose between filter and pump . many older nissan filter housing get porous/crack and allow air into fuel
  16. to fix the CV style 2E corolla, i used factory downdraft manifold and a 4K carb with manual choke. worked a treat, but was tuoch and go to fit the auto-kickdown
  17. it is all relative to what the tune is, and where you want the power to be. there is a good tech article floating around by Dave Vizard? that explians how and where changes are made. he did have a tuning programm that one could change parameters , and give baseline jetting for varous tunes
  18. this Deane and co know their stuff..... especially with those wee english harlets
  19. done similar with the tipping ram on the scud. capped thick-wall pipe with decent grub screws to lock in position
  20. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1206320523510106/?ref=browse_tab&referral_code=marketplace_general&referral_story_type=general&tracking={"qid"%3A"-6379201055762312038"%2C"mf_story_key"%3A"991664465616125978"%2C"commerce_rank_obj"%3A"{\"target_id\"%3A991664465616125978%2C\"target_type\"%3A6%2C\"primary_position\"%3A13%2C\"ranking_signature\"%3A8264795616253575168%2C\"commerce_channel\"%3A501%2C\"value\"%3A3.1943659123845e-5%2C\"upsell_type\"%3A3523%2C\"candidate_retrieval_source_map\"%3A{\"4888523067911648\"%3A302%2C\"4966333606826829\"%3A309}%2C\"grouping_info\"%3Anull}"%2C"lightning_feed_qid"%3A"-6379204972708140934"%2C"lightning_feed_ranking_signature"%3A"6815200053129379840"%2C"ftmd_400706"%3A"111112l"}
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