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Everything posted by AllTorque

  1. Here are Southward's photos on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.663250197048534.1073741828.114600198580206&type=1 A couple of pics from that album... Amber and Oskar, I see you. Young couple in love
  2. Would be cool to represent oldschool at this event. Hopefully they will be more receptive of old japanese cars than they were at their swap meet. I presume tho that guys taking money at the gate were volunteers and probably didn't recognise how stylee Beaver's and Seedy's cars were.
  3. Just bring the Mrs and watch the sunset in Plimmerton. What could be more romantic.
  4. That extra 10 bucks would be if you were selling a car. Just face it, your cars suck, get a V8!
  5. It was a pretty good event today. Not huge amounts of stuff to rummage through, but I reckon this will get bigger next year. Heaps of Hot Rods and Yank tanks to drool over and some pommy tin too. I went through the museum for the first time since I was a little tacker and it blew my mind.
  6. So way back in August I went to the Palmy Hot Rod Swap Meet. The night of the SM there was a bit of an OS shindig which involved racing kids bikes and a Meat Raffle. I drew the lucky number and won the meat pack, choice. But this is swap meet, so I thought why not swap my meat. So various swap meet meat swaps were done. Which brings me to the reason for this little story. I swapped Bizzo (Bistro) some meat for a drawing of my wagon, which he presented to me at Hawkes Boes. It now resides on my lounge wall. Cheers Bizzo.
  7. Howdy folks. This is your official reminder. See you thursday, 7pm in Plimmerton. //oldschool.co.nz/index.php?/topic/40828-welly-monthly-meet-nov-21st-7pm-plimmerton/
  8. Are they that hard to find? You could make up some brackets and find a pulley from something else and make it fit?
  9. http://vehicleinspection.nzta.govt.nz/virms/in-service-wof/general/steering-and-suspension/steering-and-suspension-systems
  10. Maybe an intake gasket leaking on one port?
  11. Sounds good Beaver. Plimmerton weigh station at 9am for those who want to convoy up.
  12. Righto. Gates open at 8am. I don't think we'll need to be there that early. Meet up at the weigh station. What time do ya reckon?
  13. Any Welly OSers keen to get up bright and early sunday morning and convoy up?
  14. Take the steering column plastic shroud off and look on the back of the ignition barrel. You will see the ignition switch. Should be held on with one screw. Then you can turn it without using the key. You will still need to remove the ignition barrel to eliminate the steering lock.
  15. This may be of interest to all you rusty junk hoarders. It's happening next sunday.
  16. DON'T DO IT! The LHD is 50% of what makes this little car hugely bad ass.
  17. Just re-read your question. If the light is not coming on pull out the speedo cluster and replace the bulb.
  18. The airbag uses a 'clock spring' You can check the codes by bridging the pins on the blue plug under the glove box. Google should show you what to do.
  19. I'm not too stressed about it really. The whip is really there for the steez.
  20. Yeah 26mhz. I was worried the whip would be no good because it was sitting in the last guys rain gutter for 10 years. I had a bit of trouble hearing leebo but I think thats cuz his cb is old stz. I just googled shooting skip. Thats nutzo.
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