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51 minutes ago, JR said:

Some guys were asking about a vapor blaster I made so thought I'd share how to make one and the results. 

Its was a bog standard sand blasting cabinet. I'll give a brief rundown on how I did it. Every single idea was stolen straight from YouTube.


Basically vapor blasting fires a slury of water and very fine glass beads (must be round beads for a polished finish, not crushed glass) out of a slightly modified nozzle with compressed air. 

It can be used for cleaning all sorts but is exceptional at polishing aluminum. It's non abrasive so can be used on machined surfaces. 






When I assembled the cabinet I used a heap of sealant on all the joins. Worked well, it's water tight.


It's just your standard garden variety submersible pump.


I got the pump from a random tool shop nearby (just googled the cheapest) it was about $60-$70 from memory. 


The outlet from the pump needs a tee. One of the tees needs to point back into the bucket. This is to make a slury, mixing the glass bead and water.

The other part of the tee goes to the gun.


I got my gun from NZVBS. The dude was really helpful matching gun to my needs.

Then you just need a foot pedal to operate the air, a window wiper is a good add on and away you go. 

They say about 5 parts to 1 of water to glass bead. It's closed loop, so recycles the slury. To clean the mixture just carefully pour the dirty water out and the glass beads stay at the bottom of the bucket.

A+, would trade again.

Does it take paint off? 

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Nah not very efficiently. If you go over a part very very slowly it will. I've found it best to paint strip beforehand. Although really shitty paint it blasts off really quickly.

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