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Celica RA45

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Everything posted by Celica RA45

  1. ok pics of my new cambered rear end done by race products in briso in some of the pics you can see the cambered rear its like a shim, and the other pics are the axles which are skinnier than the std f series axles the rear end now has 295mm dia and 24 mm thick
  2. roll center through the center line of the diff is your roll center .i have had 1 that is adjustable ,but its easier to play around with springs on the back if you lower the roll center at the back you need to do it at both ends . all this does when you lower it will make the back springs softer and make the car squat in take off but it will also make the car lift the rear wheels as well ,if the front springs are harder the faster you go through the corners with a low roll center will make the car lean more i ended up going back to the std roll center height to stop the rear from leaning over now with 235 lbs at rear and have 350 lbs in the front .this has made it sit flat going through turn 1 at the island
  3. 0.625 for the front will be fine same as what i use and i use .7 for the back on the 4 spots
  4. what brakes for the back ,4 spot or 2 spot ,what size masters for the front brake any ideas yet . .700 or .625 for the front master
  5. where is the tank going to go michael for the dry dump lol ,boot or passenger side foot well ,will have the whole lot of yours finished by this saturday
  6. those dry sump pans with pumps are from the formula 3 motors that toyota used to run. they have a 36mm restrictor to hold the engines to 200 hp na and are mostly gen 2 3sge ,that big fat alloy peice is what holds it to the chassis with the hewland at the back
  7. by the sounds of it ,he might be pulling away from you know
  8. what revs are you going 2 at the moment marku and whats the lowest you get down 2
  9. yes thats right mike jane, that has his own car servicing or some kind .what car does he have marku
  10. there my set up with manifold and 2 stage injection . have been selling a few sets to you guys lately ,those pics are michaels set up with 2 stage 50mm butterflys and curved ram tubes ,slide throttles have a tendency to get stuck ,barrels are better in the long run ,but more expensive
  11. and this is what you need to claw back the 200 meters on the hondas
  12. marku is that the race series simmons rims as they use 2 different thickness 3mm for full on racing and i think 3.5 for road ,whitehorse industries in lilydale ,victoria make all of simmons inners and outer
  13. ok look here to see the new motec ecus http://www.performanceforums.com/forums/showthread.php?67299839-MoTeC-M130-ECU-2860-inc the cost is 2860 with gst and has all of the fruit plus it has its own knock
  14. sorry should have said M 1 ecus which are half the price of the m800 ecus and come with all of the fruit as std
  15. the biggest problem with 20 v motors is the center lobe of the cam ,this will dictate how much you have if the cam set ups are similar to the beams just set it up at tdc using spanner on cam ,advance ,holding crank with spanner ,using dial indicator on the bucket .check how far it moves ,then take belt off ,the inlet cam and keep advancing the cam till it hits the piston .check to see how much you have as in vvt movement then after this see if you have 80 thou after that ,thats a minium that i use for piston to valve clearence also note the last 15 degress coming up to tdc is also very critical .piston and valve gets really close here
  16. dry sump lines done on the scavange side just have to do the -16 feed into the pressure sidefrom the tank and the oil filter back into the motor and its finished
  17. ok here are some pics of the last wet sump motor with the cams tag on the side to keep it under 2 litres and with small 5 inch clutch also some pics of my quad throttles putting pics here for a change
  18. ok at the moment just waiting for some speed flow fittings to finish off the dry sump set up. made some 52mm quad throttles ,new bigger extractors as you see in the pics etc . the motor in the pic is going to get a rebuild as the 2 stage injection wire broke in side the plastic. / we think from harmonics and fuel vapours over the last 4 years .so renew every 2 years. piston has a melted top and burnt 4 valves this motor is in the under 2 litre sports sedan and they are tagged and sealed and have to be under 2litre have a new crank and rods going in and also changing the stroke of this motor sick of sleeving this to keep it under 2 litres
  19. ok at the moment ,i have had the rear end cambered through race products in brisbane ,back end has now 2.5 degress neg with half of toe in at the moment getting some hats made up to suit the cambered rear end also working on the dry sump set up just have to finish off the alloy fittings etc
  20. you old cocks ,you can fix this easy ,if bango has the bafflles in the bango weld on some exhaust tube and make sure its about 4 mm away from side gears or lsd and fill .the exhaust tube will stop the oil going down the distance tubes philip island kills pinions quickly through turn 1 at 200 kays
  21. auto comp is the same as the red top beams ,go get a 3y bellhousing or 2 s and you can still use the dual mass flywheel with the std 3y or 2s starter the altezza uses the same dia as the 2s rwd fly wheel any way ,same clutch and pressure plate from sa63 celica etc
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