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Everything posted by Shaz

  1. Haha I thought that looked like you. I did a half assed wave then remembered that I was in my Commodore last time I saw you, so I was probably completely unrecognisable without it.
  2. Do you live in Ngaio? I saw you on Awarua Street this morning. I was in the offensively blue LA Lancer.
  3. Om nom nom. Keen for pizza now to be honest. I guess I'll have to wait until Thursday. I believe we're staging a 21 horn salute to mark Beaver's absence.
  4. The coincidental timing with Big Day Out was pretty sweet last year (slow burn hangover excepted) since I was already in Auckland for that weekend.
  5. I just tried putting in a quick call to GT (the dealer) since they're on my speed dial, but I couldn't be arsed waiting on hold. If you do want to try them later, it's 3813001 for the parts' department.
  6. Shame. You're probably right. I'm too poor to take the Commodore this week.
  7. Really? Fuck. I just ventured into the vile, self harm inducing hellhole that is Pack and Save to buy booze so I wouldn't hold everyone up later. Raaaaaage. Today sucks. I can't wait until it gets dark.
  8. If you get really desperate, I can help. You should really look for a better offer though. I'm taking the Lancer which was really only made to transport children. I'm a midget and I still have to drive with the seat all the way back. Hence you will be folded into a miniature back seat encased in a fog of Marlboro smoke. Delicious. Edit: Nevermind. You already have a better offer.
  9. Please do. I think this would make my weekend.
  10. Heh. I think you've opened a can of worms there...
  11. 6pm isn't late. Feilding is really not far. I'd say even with heaps of traffic leaving town it wouldn't be any more than 2.5 hours. As long as everyone's packed, gassed up and stocked with booze, we should be straight up there with minimal fucking around.
  12. To traffic, I say 'meh'. It's never that bad anyway. As long as you're not driving something that bores you to death, who cares? Edit: You shouldn't be driving something that bores you to death to Swap Meet anyway.
  13. Well you're my passenger, so you can shut your mouth and leave when I'm ready. Seriously though, I'm not sure how much more I can take the piss with work and keep asking to finish early for booze trips on Fridays, so I'm a bit hesitant to ask. Getting away at 5-5.30ish is probably best for me. Either way, the drive to Feilding is short as fuck so getting away at that time really won't be the end of the world.
  14. I don't have hook ups, but you could call Peter at Hydraulink. He's a mobile guy. 0274445361
  15. Sweet pics! Haha the ones on the blog somehow make the paint on my Commie look way less filthy and haggard.
  16. Good night. Damn I wish I hadn't abandoned my last slice of pizza because I couldn't stand the sight of it anymore. I'm totally keen for it now.
  17. Throw up in the carpark before you go in to clear some space for pizza.
  18. Dave's probably the only one likely to turn up roofless.
  19. I had a sweet Macca's breakfast to prepare myself. Mmm...
  20. I believe he's also waiting for Joe to buy a left hook one so they can drive side by side, holding hands.
  21. We're extremely hard to miss. Lance is at the panelbeaters, so it looks like mushroom infested Severin will be coming out for dinner instead. I didn't shave this morning but my beard might still be a bit meagre by Thursday. I'm expecting it to look pretty mean by Saturday though... Fuck my typing is shithouse this morning. I've had to correct typos twice.
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