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Everything posted by JoKer

  1. ok so the Lil bro had a deposit on a Van he sold on TM sent it down from Motueka, Buyer has reneged/been sent legal notices to cough up rest etc Final notice will be issued today (Tues 10th deadline to return Van or pay up) then efforts will be made to recover van, all notices have been issued via Lawyer / above board ANYONE have security clearance or is capable of doing this in a professional manner? is a bit far for me to go and open up with my 'universal tool' the towing part might be a bit hard with steering lock etc, we dont want it wrecked too much if possible you might get lucky if you knock on the door and get the keys x2 pm if you can or know anyone capable and can store i for a day or deliver to an address etc
  2. THATS the number they want to have it rigght
  3. brilliant guys : will make sure the powers that be see this
  4. Dan's got my book/car soz cant post results
  5. after specifics such as correct gear ratios & Spigot teeth #'s etc for a particular rebuild, they want it to be P E R F E C T 1300 Sport as in this image (They found this car and are rebuilding it to exact specs etc) https://www.facebook.com/groups/793190637378550/930372506993695/?ref=notif&notif_t=group_comment_reply
  6. awesome work, will hammer the work etchaskectch & create hard copy for trip going right & paeroa can be quite spectacular too
  7. Taupo is aim for thurs night , catchup lunch fri
  8. wheres that pic of the magic "fits-all-things" socket with the roller-needle bearing like innards?
  9. TM or even smash a socket on them /ling
  10. JoKer

    Radiator Stopleak

    pics or it didnt happen
  11. JoKer

    Radiator Stopleak

    is that Briax stuff those crumble blocks? cos I have had good use of them over the years
  12. i wanted to see the sexytime.jpg
  13. there's more vids on my channel not me driving or there'd be more rev's off start (driver getting used to the cam/tune) tho I did get to go for a hoon at one stage, ahhh tis good as you can see , needs a tidy up, wish I could haul it up to nat's
  14. Manfeild added 3 new photos. also DCC has a grass Auto-X on Sunday too out Piripiri for those not wallowing at Wagonals Image from our most recent auto-x at differnt venue
  15. stuff is happening its in someone elses shed rising front (removing sgged springs sort engine mounts Exhuivst might be redy for Sundy utoX
  16. I cant help but mention "basic" went out the window as soon as you clamped it in a folder #knowwhatimean
  17. how strong is that square pool at the top? the non-trained engineer in me doesn't seem to think it will hold with the presure hope I'm wrong cos it looks choice
  18. turns out, if the SRS light is on they still work
  19. remmebr that time we had Nats and went for skid in paddock near the Tui Brewery? Jared Mulinder shared Dannevirke Car Club Inc's photo. 35 mins ยท Dannevirke Car Club Inc
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