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Everything posted by Beaver

  1. Please tell me that yellow work of art is the new seedy mobile?
  2. Nice products would be worth a shot. They have an online catalogue and a lot of places here can source them
  3. @Tumeke I've just asked a fellow speedcock (aka the dude callum is referring to) to see if he's got any left. Will keep you posted
  4. I've been commuting on mine, nearly two tanks of gas through the new engine so I'm going to say it's bullet proof for sure. The fact that that's only one day of the te urewera mission is irrelevant.....
  5. Yeh nah yeh. What's all this malarkey. I'll be on my trusty (yet tbc) yamaha v50 with a lifan 125 shoehorned in it.
  6. Hopefully the weather plays ball and can bring scooters
  7. So I wanted to do something about the front guard. Decided I could make the factory one fit.....had so cut a fair bit off so it didn't hit the motor, but otherwise works a treat. Then decided o would try make the leg shield fit. Surprisingly little cutting, obviously had to make a hole for the carb, bit otherwise just a bit of trimming for the motor and exhaust. Super happy with how it looks now, the frames on these don't suit the stripped down look in my opinion. Oh and also put the chain guards back on.
  8. Just about ready for adventures. Fitted up some golden boys (tires), rather close fitment but seems to be all good....dreams of a front guard are gone haha. Tidied up the wiring etc as well so looks a lot cleaner now.
  9. So fast forward nearly 2 months and took it first test this morning. So much fun. Massive props to @Geophy who helped out with pretty much everything. Still need to tidy things up and sort wiring, but yeh, so stoked to have it ridable. Was being a bitch so didn't do a high speed run but goes plenty fast enough for what I want
  10. I glued the carb on yesterday and plumbed fuel up. Next up is figure out wiring and try start it
  11. Mega. Either Monday or Tuesday nights work for me, I leave Wednesday
  12. Oh hey. Off topic but I'm in town Monday and Tuesday next week and keen to catch up for a beer and/or feed one night if anyone's around? I'll be stuck in town but open to getting abducted
  13. Special delivery! 125cc semi auto lifan
  14. Old wifes tail that the wheels will turn in opposite directions if it's an lsd? Or is that for non lsd.....fuck knows
  15. Sorry mate, already booked a cabin and all beds accounted for!
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