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Everything posted by Toucan

  1. Toucan

    283 chev

    Luce's without springs are all the rage down in Htown Got any other plans for it??? I reckon a convertable one would be pretty sweet
  2. You might need different style nuts??? I'm no expert on the subject but when I got new wheels, they came with nuts that go inside the mags, if you get me the nuts are skinnyer and extended kind of.
  3. Toucan

    Argh! My nuts!

    why bother with a grinder? Just get any shit off them with a wire brush then spray some CRC on them
  4. Can you tell me how exactly you would put the diff in "the wrong way"
  5. nzhondas.co.nz Nah just jankin ya... google it man, very popular engine and no doubt you can find out everything you want to know about it off the net
  6. Yea block of wood in between the crank and the inside of the block then tap the pully with a second bit of wood
  7. Toucan


    Yea its referring to the second barrel of the carb opening, if you have a secondary activated by vaccum, the change wont be so noticable, compared to if you have mechanically activated secondaries like me
  8. Rev the shit outa it My mate revved his 2k to about 7500 I think, only damage was to the water pump, not bad at all for a little one litre beast
  9. Toucan

    Strut Brace Wntd

    With a normal esky, the downdraught carby gets in the way and you can't go straight across, thats how it was for me anyway.
  10. Toucan

    Strut Brace Wntd

    Make one, if you dont know how, see if a mate can, will cost about $30 for pipe, bend them, and then make some circluar strut top plates, and weld your pole to that, wouldn't be too hard, and cheaper than buying one
  11. One of the coby's has been painted black, isn't that great
  12. Nah mate, just a different oppinion thats all Small update, scrot is in the workshop, i ripped the old exhaust out (bar the end muffler that had broken off anyway lol), beat out the firewall a small amout where the extractors were hitting it, made a flange at the bottom of the extractors, and thats about it Having another go tomorrow night but only have an hour, so will most likely finish it on friday... just in time for some laps mean.
  13. It better not be too loud
  14. ... "And in other news"
  15. I'm 18 Red coby's look like arse Putting them in on saturday, mean
  16. Well I'm being cheap and getting two coby's. And they dont look much, horrible round things, but I'll paint the end one black and experiment in the workshop to see if I can create a nice dumpy style tailpipe, if not it will be just straight black pipe like Jerms. Haha just had another look at your pic Jerm, your diff looks just like mine with old oil all over it haha Cheers for all the pic's people
  17. Toucan

    escort gears

    Thats bullshit man, you miss calculated somewhere or forgot to add something into the equation.
  18. Gte me a pic of it man
  19. Toucan

    Bosch GT40RT

    lol you an your ramflows
  20. But a giant Krome pipe would kill the period stylings I dunno, we shall see, my contact at coby is taking hsi time
  21. Yea I'm definately a fan of the dumper style ones, usually cost too much though, I might get a cheap coby and see if I can weld a bit of pipe onto it to give it the dumper effect... then paint it all black.... hmmmmm
  22. Mine did that lol, but it was cos some of the springs in the seat were broken. And yea, I'm used to it now anyway, I also have a small wildcat one too
  23. Yea I agree, dont want it to drown out my awesome induction noise. And 3" on a 1600 pushie is overkill, for me anyway. Keep the pics coming
  24. Thats kinda what I was thinking, I dont want it to spoil the period styling of the scrot, so something subtle like that might be the go. Cheers for the pic jerm, I like the black ones
  25. Haha, yea would certainly look funny, if it wasnt my car I dont want the rice cannon look, has to look reasonably good/suit the escort.
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