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    Brewing beer, American BBQ and now scooters


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  1. Did anyone get any pics of the big adventure bikes @johnnyfive smoked 😂
  2. Thanks again for an epic weekend fellas! I think my ears will be ringing for the next week 😂 Still fizzing tho, sooo stoked to be part of it I promise to not bring such an obnoxiously loud bike next year 🤘
  3. Morning fellas, sooo what's the address for the start lol 😂 I'm at 445 henwood
  4. Monkey lives again! No lights yet but it runs like a champ! Front end was rather bent Haven't ridden it yet but I'm optimistic! 😁
  5. Yea there's 2 of us but one can jump in with Daniel and the Tauranga boys So just 1 at this point If there's a bed spare that would be awesome! Not fussy, happy to chip in whatever it costs!
  6. Heya fellas, damn this one came up fast! Looks like a couple of us are keen to make the mission from gizzy again Last year was just too much fun I'm I'm on the accomodation hunt now! The Tauranga crew have had one pull out so we are sorted everywhere except for 1 bed at Awakino, The lady there said there may be 1 room left that's got a empty single sooo putting it out there! Anyone got a space? 🙏
  7. Few pics, thanks again team! Such a good ride! Gizzy boys had a blast Looking forward to seeing everyones pics!
  8. On route, tight fit on the trailer!
  9. Hey fellas, we have had a couple pull out of our group Does anyone need accom because I've got rooms booked that will now be empty Cheers!
  10. Hahaha All mine are mopeds The postie is definitely a stretch
  11. Monkey has a 140 lifan in it It's also a bit angry
  12. Pretty excited for this one fellas, I'll be riding my fresh build a bloody angry postie, should be fun My monkey is also ready to go happy to bring it and chuck it on the support trailer as a backup for anyone that needs it if thats something people want, I rode a backup CT a couple years ago, figured I could return the favor Either way looking forward to an epic few days!
  13. Awesome guys! Such a great trip Stoked to be part of ithttps://youtu.be/_rTI6X1Bd68 https://youtube.com/shorts/7AcpYyFZkbg?feature=share
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