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About alfalfa

  • Birthday March 2

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  • Local Area
    Wanganui/New Plymouth

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Post Fiend

Post Fiend (4/5)



  1. @zep's axles are currently sitting in my shed waiting for someone to take them to palmy. I pulled them from an old surf at the pickapart here in NP. One side was a real ballache to get out, the drum internals had completely turned to rust and everything was seized and covered with crud.
  2. Holy smokes that was proper peril just after the Kiwi Rd tunnel at 9:00!
  3. Waikawau Tunnel beach, north of Awakino on the road to Marakopa https://maps.app.goo.gl/4BhL6kFBTfmgc6Tm8
  4. Shit that was good. I'm still at a moderate level of fizz. Thanks all for riding with us and generally being GCs. @johnnyfive passing me up the inside of a corner fully sideways on the gravel when I thought I was at 10/10 race pace was insane! See you all next time wherever that might be.
  5. Super stoked the gizzy boys could make it again to ride with us. It wouldn't be the same without the 212 big block alarm clock!
  6. Who's excited? This is tomorrow! I done f'd up and routed us down a closed paper road on Day 1 so a minor change to the route needed. Updated google maps link here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/SfTEyps8aRaFfheh8. I've email out a new gps file and turn by turn directions for anyone who uses that.
  7. Entrants list updated, RIP @WankBankA100 your sharns will be missed. No-one break down because #1 carpark mechanic Bucket Barry is also a DNS
  8. Weather looking a whole lot better than last year. A few little sprinkles should keep the dust down nicely - pack some wet weather gear just in case (or don't, I'm not your mum)
  9. We'll have some emergency jerry cans on the trailer if things go really badly for you
  10. How's that crm80 transplant going? Bring it with you and we'll finish it off thursday night
  11. Rider list updated. @Gyrocket can you and your mate(s) do an entry form please so we know who to email with start details etc? Cheers!
  12. One of the NP lads is looking for a bed in Awakino saturday night if you've got one free? Rich who was on the RX100 from last year, aka Mr sparkplug...
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