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About LoLlife

  • Birthday 11/09/1982

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    Not Telling
  • Interests
    Wagons and stuff like that.


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  1. What a great wagnats as usual. It had everything didn't it ........lots of love xoxoxo
  2. I'll fry up an extra fennal and chia seed patty for ya mate
  3. See you tomorrow then...... you'll be there by dinner time
  4. So lucky you can pack your wagon in your garage........I've got to do mine out on street otherwise bye bye exhaust trying to get out of garage. I'm looking forward to the part when we sit around relaxing and talking about cars.
  5. Myself and steelies will be there too.........but we'll all just wait for you to choose the site @Beaver
  6. As long as your there...... that's all that really matters xoxoxo
  7. Yeah sweet I'm keen to go halfs with you........ will it hold our combined weight aye??
  8. You have bee line it straight from work....no stops
  9. Is 'pot luck' healthy?? My body is a temple etc...... Is it wacky backy food?? I do like chips tho
  10. Excellent werk my guy..... Can't wait to see this hooning again. Can really hear the energy polarizer doing it's thing in that idle.
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