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The Dude

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Everything posted by The Dude

  1. Errr I'm a big,big, big man, so I kinda make it look tiny, its actually a pretty big car, look at the dude in front for comparison. Complience should be a dream with this, hopefully, as no flags, and after a thorough check today no holes or anything!!! I'm fighting with the locknuts at the moment. F$%king things, who's gonna steal the wheels in the middle of the Frickin desert!!!
  2. I'm with KY totally on this!
  3. I calculate it will do 5500 rpm at O kph, that's because it did that the other day. I'm not sure if the smoke was off the tyres or the engine tho?
  4. V50 wayyyyyyy more impressive than my Rustang
  5. Don't listen to people trying to suck you into big dollar rebuilds, work slowly and work cheaply. It's a bit bad but not too bad, get the slugs out, there doesnt appear to be a lip on the bores, so thats a good thing, and check out if you can get away with a hone and new rings. if you can, thats a nice easy cheap start, the 350 sbc has been around for a million years and there are loads of cheap performance parts for it. I'm in the USA in Sept and If you give me a parts list I'll throw a rebuild kit in the back of the Caddy for you and bring it home
  6. Man I'm such a Photogenic son of a bitch I thought these were meant to be the big Mustang???? Note the 1985 spec Tyres? Free to good home, bring brush and shovel
  7. Mother of God!!!! What a day, finally I laid eyes upon the beast for the first time today. Customs has been dealt with and it has a clean bill of health, no damage, no rust!!! Stevie wonder was on inspections today then! I had a great idea, my car and my flatmates 1967 Galaxie both arrived together,"lets pick em up and drive them home" I said How hard could it be, his Galaxie had just driven 2500 miles across the states, and my Mustang, Yeah well that had driven across a dirt lot once after being left in a feild since 1988, it would be fine right??? WRONG!!!! I imediately began to regret the screw on plates and drive home idea when it transpired we only had two plates, both from the same car.(1978 Morris Marina!) I thought you meant dealer plates my flatmate said, Nope you have one, I'll have one, both on the rear I suggested and we tried to screw them on. Mustang, success, Galaxie, nope wont fit. "I'll have both plates on and drive at the front, Neal will follow behind, and you drive in the middle with no plates" "Great idea" said my flatmate not looking convinced. Then we got to see the cars, the Mustang was a little, errr weathered looking the Galaxie super presentable. Neither started, both were totally dead, we got a nice man to help us jumpstart them from a hoist. "Where are the trucks?" asked a worried looking man with a clipboard "Err they will be here soonish, Got a funnel?" "Why?, should there be this much smoke?" he asked more worriedly "No, thats why I need a funnel, here give me your drink bottle" "ok' I'll be over there if you need me" he said, Immediately leaving the area and locking a door behind him. "Right, there's no trans fluid in mine and it wont go, two tyres are a bit flat and the steering wont work, I yelled, quick Neal go grab some Dextron 3" By now the whole are was filled with the combined Smoke and fumes of two very old, very illegal American cars, and the general consensus seemed to be, lets get these maniacs out of here what ever it takes! We filled up the Mustang with oils, some of which made it sick, and it had a little vomit over the floor, and then regained gears and steering, we stuffed the two pallets of parts I had ammased into the now mobile Cars and tried to take off, comedy style we all went seperate ways, the mustang was not happy about being woke from it ancient slumber and made all kinds of horrible noises, and cut out at the end of the road, panicking and slightly lost I performed a quick smoking u turn back to the place I had just left to try and catch the others. A massive and un ignorable noise began, the front started to shake, and panic set in as I rolled to a stop outside the importers, Fuck! Fuck!, Fuck! I shouted at no-one in particular. (I was on lunch and this had taken wayyyyyy to long and sombody was surely going to notice I wasn't actually at work soon!) "Err your tyre seems to have sort of exploded" said two men with clipboards loading shiney cars onto a transporter. I looked down at a six inch chunk of tyre pealing itself majesticly off the front right wheel, I grabbed it and pulled it off. "Should you be driving that?" said one of the men looking nervously at the shipping stickers on the car " Yes definitely I said, do you have a bin?" "Err yep, he said" "good, put that in it for me will you?" I handed him the piece of tread I'd just pulled off the wheel and got the hell out of there! i'm not going to go into anymore details about the rest of the trip back to Zebra, other than the fact it was the most exciting and terrifiying thing I have ever done in a car, and I will never ever forget the sight and feel of tyres actually disintergrating (but staying inflated!!!) as I drove briefly on the motorway, little chunks of rubber falling like rain around me, but I will say that is the last time I ever drive ANY car on tyres that bad again. I have to be honest tho, it was totally Mad Max, and the Mustang may be the best thing I've ever done! Thanks so much to Three on the Tree, and my flatmate Carl (whose Galaxie didnt miss a beat) because without you guys today would have been filled with so much disaster!!!!
  8. I promise this time I will be there, god knows what in, maybe a Mustang????
  9. Its here!!!!! Finally I pick it up tomorrow from the Docks, Time for 11's, or probably 1's
  10. Ok I've got news of an XC falcon cheap and as much as it kills me This needs to go to free up some space!!! Big garage and an experienced welder? Have I got a project for you!!!!
  11. Ok so is there enough of us into this for me to start making some plans? Say Aye if ya be into this kinda thing and I'll go and try arrainge it
  12. I suspect by the time everyone is wearing all that kind of gear, you have fully gone down the rabbit hole sir. if you can get away with buying them popcorn and a movie, thats the best case scenario. We dont talk about worse case scenario! Actually, where's the line between fetish, and super hardcore mutant leader of the apocalypse?
  13. Hmmm this is for sale now, anyone interested?
  14. And a studded Cod piece don't forget about that, it totally completes the look. Honestly if someone wears this, I will fully pay their entry including popcorn
  15. Sweet, cant wait to sprinkle Meth on my All Bran, I might do it now. Then finish my sentence ItS GoInG To Be AnWeSoMe DaY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I will be going dressed up If I was even the tinyest bit thinner I'd go as Lord Humungous
  17. Ok so who fancies a full on Mad Max Fury Road night at the movies? I'm super keen to watch it, and super keen to take some oldschool cars along too, there is a huge part of me that says Fancy dress is fully appropriate for this too. So who can get us tickets to the premier? ask around Who wants to dress up as The Bronze and bikers and join me?
  18. I need it on the road to drive to the first showing of Mad max!!!! Time is running out!!!!
  19. Maf have their dirty hands all over it at the moment, so I guess I finally get to see it next week! I will be driving it home
  20. I thought she was hot, and the model was ok too
  21. Ahhh sorry guys, Just take a raincheck on this one and I'll catch you all at the next one, just had a nightmare day, and didnt want to push my bad luck any further by getting busted in the Torino, or the misbehaving Oxford. Catch you on the next one. Azzuro, Neal is going to pop in and pay and pick up my wheels if thats ok?
  22. Cut one with the same profile from something else? Must be something with the same style pressed lip? No worries, I love Escorts and if you save this, you deserve a bit of help!
  23. I don't think its too bad, I do need to see it much more Naked tho before we can see all the rust. Two doors are rare now, so its good to see another one saved, pull it down, lets see what you need, and I'll see what cuts I can find for you. Good project, plenty of Zetecs here in Zebra. I'll cut you a deal, if you get it all ready to go, as in rust sorted , me and three on the Tree will bring one down for ya.
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