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Hey Lads Bought this AX100 off a mate who moved to Oz a few months ago and have slowly been chipping away at restoring it and turning it into a sweet lil 2 smoke street tracker, Not in bad nick considering its been sitting for over 2 decades, Rego is well dead but the end goal is to get her back on the road Tank was full of rust and holes so it had to go, Came across this aftermarket Yamaha style tank on trade me for cheap and scooped it up , will need minimal work to get it to fit properly. Its slimmed the bike down visually and is perfect for the street tracker look I'm after The factory Seat and tail cowl were never going to work for the look i want, So i cut the middle out of the rear tail section and then leaned the 2 halves together and filled the remaining void with expanding foam and shaved it down to get the basic shape I'm after, Once this is glassed and bogged i will use this to make a mold and make the final product from fiberglass (Trying to avoid this for as long as i can, F**k fiberglass!) Have pulled the motor out and is in pretty good shape but could do with a new Top end, have bought 2 new cylinder kits from AliExpress (literally the only place i can find one) and they have both be less than desirable, Will make a post with pictures of the cylinders once i get a chance and get your guys opinion on them
Found this on the side of the road. Threw it in the truck and gave it a clean up. Its swallowed half the air filter. I cleaned the filter housing and threw some fresh fuel in.. pull pull nothing Sparkplug was dry Threw some start ya bastard in its neck 2nd pull it ran for 5 sec Tried again, reved hard then began sucking fuel and ran like the vid.. At inlaws for dinner so will look at carb clean and reattaching throttle linkage after work this week.
Hey everyone havnt been doing much lately towards any of my projects but since ive gotten my ass into gear ive dug this my old gn250 out from the back of the shed. So i brought it about 3-4 yrs ago in order to get my bike lieces (which never happened) but instead, being me i decided change everything and pulled the bike to bits, with no knowhow to finish the job. Following that she was put under a tarp out back and parts were put away. But recently I took on the challenge of clearing enough space in my grandad's shed to bring it inside so i can work on it. Overcoming that ive been able to store / work on it indoors and have acquired some parts in hopes to finish what i started yrs ago! Goals this time is to turn it into so kind of bobber style bike but with little money,skill or experience..... so wish me luck! I didnt get any before photos from when i brought it but it was a completely stock 88 Suzuki gn250 and was absolutely mint! The fist photo is of it when i first got it inside, it still has the 1" drag bar i got when i first got the bike (which dont fit so had to go). And as youll see the state of the shelves in this shed youll realize what i was dealing with to get a work bench and enough floor space to get this inside...
Hi All, So early last year i decided id by another bike and get my license this time round. after much searching and research i found this RF400RVV just one street over. It was pretty tidy, and rode well. With 53Hp and 195kg dry, it sits at the upper echelon of the LAMS Power to weight formula. Rode it day in, day out all through winter and did the following work: Front wheel bearing New pads all round New air filter (wasnt running one when i bought it) Brake fluid flush Bridgestone T30 tyres Valve Clearances checked and adjusted (Being a 'VC' engined model, this was a massive learning curve even for the mechanic, and was well beyond my skills and limited toolset) After all this work, the bike was running really well, and i was thoroughly enjoying it heading into summer. And then this happened: Hit a patch of oil on Paekakariki Hill road, and Lowsided at 70km/h. Would have been fine, except shortly after I hit the bank, the Bike did as well. Having over 200kg (wet) behind it, it had considerably more momentum than my 80kg frame, and as it hit the bank rear end first, it pirouetted and came down on my leg, and then carried on further down the road. A Local Good bastard was following, and he called an ambo and moved my bike to the side of the road, because at that point my legs were not working. The cops turned up, took one look at the oil covered road and declared that it wasnt my fault, and "we're really friggen happy you're alive". Good Bastard shot home, grabbed a trailer and took my bike back to his and stored it for me. After Most of the Day in A+E, it was declared that I had sprained the PCL Ligament in my left knee, and had nerve damage in my right Leg. I was OK and could go home. After about a month of physio i was walking normally again, with the ligament about 85% healed and the nerve damage 100% healed. So anyway, I got my bike back and stripped all the plastics off it to assess. At first i though it was OK, however closer inspection revealed that the frame took a couple of good hits, with a good crease up front, and the rear subframe well and truly fubared. Its sat like that for 4 months. I had a half assed attempt at straightening the rear subframe, but gave up when i realised it was too far gone, and even if i could straighten it it would have lost much of its structural integrity. As the rear subframe is welded to the main frame, I couldnt just find another and bolt it on like some bikes, also with the crease up front i decided that the frame was toast. Then as if by magic, a frame popped up on Trademe that had everything i needed: Main Frame L/H Rearset and Gear Lever Front Fairing Support Front Fairing and Screen Dash Cluster (Rare as rocking horse shit - the last two years of production used s different cluster, and only on the 400s) Came to a deal with the seller, and i'm getting the lot incl freight from Hamilton to Kapiti for $500. So i'm well stoked. Should arrive later in the week or early next week. So the plan? Paint frame 2k satin black Strip existing bike, inspect everything and replace rubbers/bearings and seals where necessary Strip forks, paint fork tubes, refresh fork oil Repair plastics - a lot of work is needed here and i have a fair few tricks up my sleeve. I don't think i need to replace anything other than the front fairing. time will tell though Fix Dents in Gas tank Paint Buy some Leathers (My textile gear melted during the slide. would not trade again) Pics:
So now that I had swindled my way into getting a scooter I thought what better than find one for Beth to ride. So I was on the hunt for a bigger and better scooter for something for @Mrs 64valiant to learn to ride on and maybe something I could ride on weekends also. But mainly so Beth could come riding with me on our lame ass adventures. (gives me an excuse to buy a scooter) so while talking to another guy about what he just brought I mentioned I liked a fr50 on trade me. He said oh I have one of them. Pretty average condition but all there. Well a deal was struck and he brought it into town. It sat in the work shop for a day and when Beth was in the next day I sprung it on her that I had brought her a Xmas present.... Which she said you better have not brought a bloody boxer puppy. (always tagging her and threatening that I'm going to just buy one) she was happy it wasn't a dog. But also wasn't happy it was a scooter....... This is it. Well this is what it did look like and what it looked like when I got it. The plan is to get it going and Beth can shoot into work from my shop to her office on the days she works in Hamilton. Also a bigger and easier bike for her to learn to ride on. It some what looks like this is my work shop atm. @flyingbrick has taken the front forks away to weld up some rust and make a base plate for some new handle bars. Few things will need to be purchased to make it great again. But we will get there.
Havnt done one of these in a long time and with summer coming up I’ve been seeing a lot of builds I follow pop up with updates as they edge closer to completion. This got me to thinking...I’ve been tinkering with something trying to get it ready for summer, why aren’t I documenting it! So here I am This is my 197something Suzuki FA50 Bit of history on how I ended up with her... I always had the mentality of ‘scooters are for fags, why don’t they get a real bike!’ But after being taken out on my first ‘scooter mish’ with a few of the lads, that perception all changed! It was a blast! Cheap to run (I think I spent $7 on petrol for the whole night), no WOFs to worry about and cheap registration. Not to mention you can practically go anywhere on them. From there I was hooked. I owned a couple of newer scooters I bought off mates (it’s how I have most the things I have...cheers boys!) and now we get to here. i was in the process of buying the bad boy pictured below...A Suzuki SJ50QT I hadn’t yet payed for it when the FA50 popped up for sale from the brother in law and at a price I couldn’t resist! Loving almost anything pre 80’s I had to have it! i had a chat to my mate I was buying the SJ50 off and we ended up coming to an agreement. He didn’t want the hastle of selling so said if I sold it over the price I was going to buy it off him for I could keep the profit for my self So I sold the SJ50 for $150 more than I bought it for from my friend and that was just over what I needed to pay for the FA50. So esstianlly through a few GC’s I pretty much got the FA for free!
Hey guys first time poster long time watcher. I am based in CHCH study mech engineering at UC and I have acquired this old suzuki moped. Looking on here it seems this bike is a bit of slut and has been the project of many people. The following is what I understand has been done to it. Top end rebuild New points Paint job Currently it has a few issues included a cracked clutch engager worm gear (no clutch), leaky fuel tank, missing kick start lever, no wiring, no seat and the paint has gone all faded. I have had her running and she goes pretty good. From what I understand these have a dc motor inside of them that is used as an alternator as well as a starter so that shouldn't be too hard to wire up. So the plan is to sort the clutch and fuel leak so I can get it running properly and then start to sort the wiring. Probably wont worry about the kickstart as the spline is screw because someone had a crack at welding the lever on. Should be sweet with the electric start anyway and I can push start it until i sort out the wiring. Also pretty stuck for ideas on a seat that would suit this style bike with the low down fuel tank. Anyway would love to hear from any of the guys who have worked on this for some tips and ideas. Heres a pic of the bike and the cracked clutch worm anyone know where I can find this part?
Bought it sight unseen with a seized motor. It had the usual problems of mashed piston and rings and it had been sitting that long it had a seized crank bearing but I have that under control and hopefully I will get time to fire it up sometime soon than I will be looking at a tidy up here and there. This is a Rotary Valve 2 stroke 100cc and were a reasonably perky engine and I reckon it had one the best looks of all little 2-strokes of the day with it's stinger exhaust.