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Vintage Grumble

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Everything posted by Vintage Grumble

  1. I'ma try ride over for this, via Rotorua, hopefully my future classic doesn't upset anyone.
  2. Um yeh, sorry, left the TS50 there ayy, will come grab it soon.
  3. Old Ian (J5 SNR) must be having quite a LOL about that article, I think he ratted J5 out. What a joker.
  4. A little more has been achieved on the racing postie. First I purchased a pair of front indicators, for the rear, Slapped them in the bones of the tail, its certainly going to be "unique" looking. My idea of making a feature of the rear lights might backfire, but hey, I tried, Then I foamed the tail, carved and bogged to get a rough shape. Fiberglassed the bottom plastics onto said tail to complete the shape. This whole tail will be fiberglassed over for strength/to hide what its made from. Next I cut up the front guard to make it a bit less grot. Factory item, followed by chopped, then etched and fitted. I quite like the colour of the etch, might be an end colour option? Then I welded a mount to the tank, to hold the fuel tap, amazingly it doesn't leak, Then I finally got around to making the back/bottom engine mounts, Next was opening the front shocks to see if they can be shortened. Due to the way they are made, they are pretty much impossible to shorten, so I stuck them in the drill press sideways, and used a carbide burr to put the 2mm deep notch needed in them, so the top clamp bolts can go through, And lastly the wonderful @Raizer popped in Sunday afternoon to drop off the new muffler. Quite nicely made for the money, should look OK, and sound pretty throaty, Annnnnnnnnnd that's it for now. I should be able to make progress a bit quicker now, itching to get this thing going! Regards, VG.
  5. Like everyone else said, huge thanks to @MaxPower and @Thphantum for everything you did, you guys are true GCs, and can't be thanked enough for your help. Bloody rippa cunt @HighLUX for securing the use of the batch again. Fucking ace cunts @Archetype for the stickers, and @BLIZZO for the patches. Top notch blokes @RUNAMUCK and @chris r for not dying. HUGE thanks to everyone who came along, you are all champs, and a credit to your mothers. Also, all you nutty south island guys for traveling such a long way to join us, respect.
  6. I got to the razza first, winner winner blood n guts for dinner.
  7. Was worried about wet feet, then found my shitty old motocross boots, yuss!
  8. I guess that decides where the most hammered anus award is going.
  9. I'm glad you're our guide, such a welth of factual local knowledge.
  10. I'm bringing a can of that magic Tyre fix n inflate shit if anyone gets desperate enough to need it.
  11. Smash palace has all the gear out for bands Friday night, pretty keen to form a band and clear the place out.
  12. ALSO, I emailed smash palace to warn them about how many people might show up Friday night, hopefully they put extra people in the kitchen or summin, to cook us some fucken eggs.
  13. Took the old girl for a hoon to warm up oil pre change. Got so many waves from people/IM NOT YOUR MAIL MAN.
  14. I have huge regrets of not buying one of them when I was in Asia.
  15. If you opened the motor, you'd probably find a few more bearings like that/ better not to know.
  16. Just sing "Get ya motor running" to yourself on repeat, like I do.
  17. Woo, I've got one of them USB things, might look at installing it too. Can run my USB fan .....
  18. I saw my bike in the shed the other day, aint ridden it in like a month, i'm sure it will be fine/don't fail me Chinese Honda reliability!
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