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Everything posted by cheater_5

  1. The burgerfuel near the mcd's on east coast road (close to motorway offramp) has a HUUUUGEEE parking lot like right there. Its a new BF. Hit that shit up cunts/do dorts in the huge car park
  2. plz do exactly 84_S12's sig
  3. Yea im on the shore. Prob be going to rotorvegas with me lady for a bit in mid semester holidays (two weeks i think) so might be able to do then if not way out of the way. Also lots of track days and shit happening so you never know
  4. Where is EURON8 in auckland? Theres a small possibility
  5. When you go to eeee l33t plz take photos of centres, gagging for mazzilions of steelies
  6. Give me a yell. You know why. p.s. Also can source big as studs through repco. What thread are they?
  7. Should polish it up, lower it with the stars and sticker the fuck out of it. Either that or do an insane boso style spray job on it. GIZ a15 when swapped, chur
  8. MEAAAANNN A15T, some work 01's and slam plz
  9. Might see if i can make it, drag along mate with new kp if i do
  10. plz paint all red with black engine bay, that way when you decide to paint the car purple/yellow/blue/orange and flake/boso you dont have to paint the bay again No but srsly, red plz
  11. Care of Helmstarr, http://helmstarr.blogspot.com/ Also, keep the g nose. So many good zeds out there its stupid. Turn yours into the black zed ^^ up there, so epic win.
  12. This thread JUST GOT BETTER. Has to be a troll, how can it not be?
  13. Lol i think you look stupid, and your hotwires look gay
  14. Lol pretty much exakery same thing happened to me when I got greened recently. It WAS rubbing, it ISNT now, the tread IS inside the gaurds, the wheel DOESNT have to be. NO IM A COP I KNOW THINGS, I USED TO BE A WARRENT INSPECTOR! I AM THE LAW YOU LITTLE NO NOTHING CUNT! wait wat Good luck with the greeney.
  15. lol yea seen that. See the vid of it hooking a mad skid with the v6 in it?
  16. Its all in the camber/tyre/ride height combo. Also, they stick out more than my penis looking at 1200 porn..... with standard height/suspension. The factory for some reason decided that a +1* camber setting would help the 155's stick to the road better So in conclusion, they fit easily, in fact they tuck. Good luck fellow 1200er
  17. didnt say it wasn't possible or that i wouldn't do it. Just that its a lot of effort lol. Could always just chop out tray and reshape chassis/splice in mx5/510 rear end. And yup I know the one you mean, it rules
  18. Mikuni says it alllll 105 and 110 needs to be 76 and 80 plz
  19. http://www.14point7.com/Widebands/JAW_1_041/JAW_1_041.htm
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