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Everything posted by avenger79

  1. avenger79


    Satin's got a sheen to it, also called semi-gloss. How straight is your car Spence?, and if you really want gloss on it go for it.No point doing a half arse job with matte. Still got millions of time before Nats.
  2. Satin's awesome. Don't think a dark colour will suit this veehikle though.
  3. avenger79

    hilman diff

    Yup,as HUNTD said. I'd gaurantee that the Hunter's diff head won't bolt up. I've never heard of people blowing Avenger diff's TBH.
  4. avenger79

    hilman diff

    Hmm, i think my old Hunter's one was wider then the Avenger. Avenger diffs are stronger anyway man,there's still a few lying around the country.
  5. Is dat legalz??!!11! Whens it's big date for the operation?
  6. I doubt that I'd be around on a saturday night. Maybe this friday we could have a catch up, might be my shout if the auction goes well..
  7. Mean, fuk that Lada is looking so cool. Fuel should really be looking at lowered springs though.
  8. Off the crane boe, fire a text at me if your needing any help. Christ, it's fairly "On dee weedz" with those Sedan?? springs.Mean.
  9. fuck thats gay, whos bringing the absynthe? Somebody else might have to buy some
  10. Can't make this Viking party thing, commited to something else.
  11. A rather large todger on his forehead i heard...
  12. Stop repeating that shit, makes you sound very gay/emo. All the best Shay, hope it all works out.
  13. Fuk that's cool, ditch those mudflap thingys and it's oozing awesome
  14. Good man, scribble your name down for the convoy stz then. Nah, the paint colour on his would be too dark to pull it off. Is your bangin' window sussed yet, or is jacket window still FTW??
  15. Only now?? Crackup. Mikuni's wagon wouldn't suit silver surrounds at all. Are you going to back from outer space/ aussie in time for OS nats Tom?
  16. Whoa, it appears that it was once clean!! So awesome anyway man, such styley cars.
  17. Hmmm, welly meet stz. Would do mean car-pool action, no epic convoy. Dunno??
  18. Had to edit though Unstoppabo3
  19. Shed would be funz0r, could play that card game thingy. 123456 *clap* Cam'sss do it, all us awesome cunts have made it down your way.
  20. Pretty much true,however i don't think Escorta will be taking it down the main strip
  21. Flares are an easy way out,the pussy way perhaps. Fuk it's ganna be awesome on them,can picture it now .
  22. As much as me???? Cause i'm about to blow a gasket,i'm that excited!!
  23. If it's low and filthy he's all over it. Looking good man,can't wait to see it again in the flesh/steel
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