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  1. This was vaporblasted then clear etch primed. It was going in a "1950's" replica build so not a lot of painted parts.
  2. Canterbury Auto Electric in Hornby,Chch have made up HT leads for me previously at reasonable cost. Pretty sure they can supply right angled ends.
  3. Kelford have an enormous profile library. i used to go into it frequently. Staff turnover has meant some knowledge has been lost. Phil/Gumby now gone used to immediately say -yeah,we did this for so and so- and have the results too.
  4. Plenty of argument for and against. As an engine builder/tuner specialising over the years in matching cam lobe centers to the application I see your point. But I'd still argue that there's little point in grafting it onto an engine optimised for standard cams. Too much work for too little return IMO. My personal opinion is that too much time,money and complexity has been spent trying to make the ICE drive like an electric motor. I like some character in what I drive or ride.
  5. Good enough for government work.
  6. VVT was introduced to fill in dips in the power curve caused by longer duration/bigger lift cams. I see no gain at all with stock cams. /My opinion.
  7. From where I stand as a past participant, now observer, your biggest worry isn't that you're wrecking others rides, it's that you'll be forgotten. When living in Diamond Harbour - a spot frequently a destination for rides - three times in 5 years i had to pick up crashed riders who'd been forgotten by the group. Take them to the district nurse in the village then go to the cafe to wind up/abuse shit out of the group about their missing rider. Make sure you're not forgotten about. And ride at your own pace.
  8. Give it a soak in atf/acetone mix first.
  9. Quite a few BMW's and some Volvos use 33mm OD shims. Widens the net a little.
  10. Respacing those doesn't look too difficult. Possibly just longer coupler pieces needed.Carrier rails are easy using alloy angle. i've respaced many sets of carbs involving making up longer/shorter linkages and the really good bit - fuel joiners....
  11. I suspect you want the full Kraut heavy Panzer sound......
  12. My experience with bike exhausts is that empty chambers with no packing give you a harsh metallic note. I'd be tempted to pack the center chamber with one perf pipe in that drawing.
  13. I'm in the habit of popping the seals on new motorcycle wheel bearings and repacking anyway. Surprising how little - if any - grease you find in some bearings. Put onto it years back by an old bike mechanic I knew.
  14. Like the supplementary thrust bearing(s). The devil is in the detail though. There'll be quite a lot of heat sink coming through- which may well melt the grease out of the presumably sealed bearings. I'd have cleaned them out and repacked with HMP grease I think.
  15. Got a workshop manual ? They can frequently be found free online to download.
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