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Everything posted by h4nd

  1. Break up your composite deadband test into two parts. If (temp < old - deadband) { do stuff; } else { if (temp > old + deadband) { do other stuff; } }
  2. Your thermoSensorOldVal is updated every second. Move it up one line above the '}' for the deadband if statement, so it only updates if it's outside your previous deadband. Also, it's helpful to set up the indents like this: void loop() { Serial.print(" C = "); Serial.print(thermoSensor.readCelsius()); delay(1000); thermoSensorNewVal = (thermoSensor.readCelsius()); if (thermoSensorNewVal < (thermoSensorOldVal - 1) || thermoSensorNewVal >(thermoSensorOldVal + 1)) //dead band { if (thermoSensorNewVal >= 24.00) { tempWarningMinor(); } if (thermoSensorNewVal >= 28.00) { tempWarningGeneral(); } if (thermoSensorNewVal >= 32.00) { tempWarningDire(); } thermoSensorOldVal = thermoSensorNewVal; } // end of deadband } // end of loop There are problems with tab sizes on different editors.
  3. If you just want to smash random values at them, and don't care about negatives etc, you could make a union of array of uint_08t and your struct. This is like an array except it overlays the data, so lets you treat the array as individual bytes. union engineDataUnion { struct EngineDataStructType newEngineData,; uint8_t edBytes[sizeof(newEngineData)] }ed; ... ed.newEngine.Data.rpm = 1000; ... for (i=0; i < sizeof( ed ); i++) { ed.edBytes +=1; }
  4. @Ned @Roman and ?? Topward bench dual 30V 3A PSU, but too far away / heavy for me. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a.aspx?id=2164746738 Anyone know if these do a big current spike before the limiting kicks in? (I have MCH-K305D which puts out full current (6A) for a moment and so will trash a zener / LED before properly limiting).
  5. 1G-GTE twins for fast spool?
  6. I do seem to recall there's a good hill in your neighbourhood. I had a great time doing a thrash over it in Jan, even in the baby mover.
  7. HOw big is the LiFePo you use @Truenotch ?
  8. I haven't personally tried these in a car, but the numbers look good. Anyone tried something like these? https://www.lithiumpros.com/lithium-pros-l1600a-press-release/
  9. Looking so very good! I had an a-series powered toy, from (vague) memory, the carb was Hitachi DC208, and the one you're holding looks similar(-ish(??)). Good lock finding details!
  10. Also, draw a pic of out where your grounds actually are. You've only got to get to -0.7V before things go really weird. And more also: Are you getting V(d) excursions capacitively coupled back into V(g), or via ground-bounce?
  11. This is cool. As I see lots of fabrication made of bits from other things, I do think of the maintenance down the track. Will you write a book, listing where the parts came from (Suzuki this / Nissan that etc) for when / if they need replacing, or label them all on the parts? (Or is that future Pog's/owners problem...)?
  12. So no one would notice if the rear suddenly filled up with batteries and the hybrid output was 500000.00W instead?
  13. Well, yes, but I suspect that rider skill has rather a lot to do with it. You modest, talented bugger.
  14. Rinse, repeat. Photo album (and a couple of vids). https://photos.app.goo.gl/LH9moaASkxJuNtV8A
  15. Sorry, I wasn't clear. My comments applied to the ARM32 families in general, including STM32 https://www.adafruit.com/product/3056 https://www.open-electronics.org/stmicroelectronics-ard-otto-stm32-the-first-arduino-multimedia-board/ https://www.element14.com/community/docs/DOC-80971/l/stm32-nucleo-32-development-board-with-stm32l031k6-mcu-supporting-arduino-connectivity And the arduino SAM32 options: https://store.arduino.cc/usa/due https://store.arduino.cc/usa/arduino-zero
  16. Have used others in the ARM cortex family, e.g. the NXP LPC family. Nice processors, good compilers available, good computational output for cycle, great peripherals options, and arduino based options, so you can (mostly) just port your code across from other devices. Popular in a range of applications, including cheap Aliexpress laser ToF thingies. Have at!
  17. Right, understand now. So just put PLL code in another arduino and rescale the output frequency. Isn't that what software is for? Fixing hardware screw-ups (caused by other software requirements).
  18. Can you do something with the two screws on the front? |=====| __| |__ shaped bracket with 3 holes. one for shaft, 2 for the screws, nuts over top (where my double line is)?
  19. High quality. Well, I guess that rules me out.
  20. @ajg193 Got a 'scope trace of it? (can loan you one, or you could use an old android phone).
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