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  1. Nothing could be more intimate than sitting around a fire with you ky. You gotta get some KK brew though, kicks vomit bombs in the butt.
  2. dont worry hun i fertalized the garden with kks brew enough for the both of us!!
  3. mangle = pre-mangled. KK reminded me of a really smart idea that I had while drinking that may have contributed to the pain. Congrats on the weekend, although I only made it for sun/mon it was epic and heaps of fun. Also heaps impressed with organisation waaay more than expected. Still having a giggle that its held at a christian camp. Hope to make it to another one sometime. Lost my heaps awesome planes though, so if they didnt hit the bin I hope that the finder keeper enjoys the epicness of them (thanks for the award)
  4. My legs are killing me. too much mangle jumping
  5. Keen for brunch on monday, prob will need ot before the hike back to welly. Also checked my bank payment seems to have gone through with the updated account.
  6. Ok committed to a sunday night brawl at camp will now off find my best opshop clothes.
  7. Seedy doesn't need his ute that he hasn't worked on in ages
  8. I brought it with much enthusiasm from Auckland off some well seeming punjabs - $3k. drove it home to pram, just outside our house the exhaust fell off. Took it to mates workshop on monday to get put back up. Get a phone call later "mate you need to see this" - bloody great holes in the chassis (new WOF had been issued less than a week ago. Got the WOF people involved, the punjab who issued the wof lost his authority and job, the workshop lost their authority and shut down. Never saw any compensation from them. (it turned out the guy who issued the WOF was the sellers cousin) Stuck with a car worth nothing and going through a break up at the time, the car was sold to someone that I worked with for half what was paid for it. Don't remember where the funds went but not my pocket. The guy who brought it had no license at the time, I ended up driving him and the car around for 3 months (ended up dating him for about 18 months). Plans were brewed and failed. I think it was then sold to someone in Levin for $500 with an extra shell (which is where my story ends) I really liked the car though wouldn't mind another one. Though I doubt that it has the six in it anymore based on that piping.
  9. This one wasn't with you guys? Id love to know who owns it now, me and this car have a deep and meaningful history
  10. Horse of the Year - was going to go see a mate there, however just for looking you must pay, so flagged
  11. I will guarantee you that's why they cant find the fault, intermittent problems are the biggest pain in the ass to anyone that works in the automotive industry. If you don't want to wait for whatever is wrong to break (my personal favourite option) then a trial and error type system works, although costly.
  12. I remember having a regulator cause me a very similar problem (not a holden v8 though), one would think that if you had it at a sparkies already they would have checked the goodness of the battery as the first step of diagnosis
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