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Gozza's '68 Mk1 Trumpet


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Semi productive day yesterday, pulled out the old motor and box, swapped the box over onto the new motor along with a new clutch and pressure plate. 

Need to find an electric fan and get that mounted up in front of the radiator and do a little bit of cleaning up in the engine bay then I'll sling the new one back in.IMG_3700.thumb.JPG.9788113f333329db2376778effd62992.JPG

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Managed a little more on the Triumph over the last few days. Been tinkering on the exhaust getting it all to fit properly, the system runs pretty close to shit and been doing my best to get it fitted up with no tension. What should be easy seems to be not so...

Also been plotting out the fuel plumbing and have settled on where everything needs to go and how to mount it all up. Spent an hour in Fluid Power today trolling catalogues for all the little fittings and pipes I'll need, they had some and have ordered the rest. I've chosen to not make it too flashy in that department, just the minimum to get the job done. I reckon it'll look clean enough without any blingy shit.

some pics for proof


Surge pot/filter and high pressure pump tacked into the boot



O2 sensor boss got mounted into the little piece of pipe directly aft of the extractors


Fuel pressure regulator and return line on the back of the rail


Bodged packer I need to make and add under the right hand engine mount to gain a little clearance....



Slowly slowly heaps to go

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Been making slow progress the last month or so but progress none the less.

There are so many little fidley bits that I keep putting off and some big shit too that I've been scared to start. But it all needs to be done.

I ordered a bunch of fittings and pipe and stuff from Fluid Power to plumb up the fuel system. Some of it arrived real quick and some still hasn't turned up which is annoying. I have managed to run stainless supply and return lines, fit a lift pump, plumb most of the surge pot and HP pump, plus the feed to the rail and the regulator so some solid progress there. 



Also, due to an annoying stink of fuel whenever I fill the tank, and the need to add a fitting to send the fuel return back to I bit the bullet and pulled out the tank. 

I'm just going to tee the return pipe into the vent pipe at the top of the tank which I could have done with the tank in, but as I needed to seal up the big rubber pipe on the filler neck as well it was easier to take the whole thing out.

Then, mostly because I was bored waiting for the last of the fittings I ordered, I decided to pull out the seats and carpets. Thinking I might dynamat the floor and put some new carpet in as the old stuff is pretty ratty. Pulled the parcel shelf out too to try and figure where the computer and relay board is going to go...


Not sure if I should go with this or get a 2.6EI one made?


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Dynamatted the floor last week and got a set of carpets from autodeck up in Auckland. Kinda ran out of the dynamat so have ordered another box of that to finish up before I put the floor carpets in but did do the side pieces which turned out pretty ok. Settled on a place for the relay board up under the dash and have started on version one of the bracket to mount it. Also figured how to best run the loom so that there is enough slack to easily remove the board while still connected for the inevitable trouble shooting...Still need to run a few more wires from the engine back to the board before I go connecting everything up but getting it all plotted out now so making some solid progress






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  • 3 months later...

Fuck I’ve been useless at working on this thing most of winter... so much work related compliance bullshit that’s needed attending to plus all of life’s other tasks that I’ve not had much time left over...

Time for a catch up.

First off, cheers to Alex for the super 9kg gas bottle stove he and Hanna built me For the garage. If I had gotten round to fitting it in the garage already I might have made some more progress on the car through the long winter nights...



But alas, not yet

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So some of the tasks I still needed to do were to fit a trigger wheel to the front pulley, terminate all the wires from the engine sensors at the relay board, build the computer, and a hundred other small jobs including a few redos...

I sent my pulley down to Grant Parker at GP Engineering, he’s done all the machining I’ve been unable to do and he does an absolutely primo job... 


I decided to mount the trigger wheel onto the damper despite knowing that it’ll fuck up my timing if the bonded rubber fails... I had a good look at the thing and it seems to be pretty mint so not too worried. Only reason I went this way was to make it look a bit neater...

After fitting the trigger wheel I took the damper down to the guys who did the machining on the block to get it balanced. Feels good knowing you’ve done all you can to get a top quality job...

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Starting the big job of figuring out where all the wires needed to go.

I chose to use the relay board that DIYautotune sell as it seemed like a good idea... not really a fan of the screw terminals but time will tell I suppose...


making progress


And all finished and tucked away up under the dash...584A8179-27EB-44FB-AC7E-3B7B3A11263F.jpeg.caba73e9197d3d18bfc22766e1d0f462.jpeg

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