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Everything posted by Bantam

  1. Scored some Weber DCOE 40's. Had them serviced and set up before fitting them. Even though the Escort doesn't have a brake booster, they still rested on top of the brake reseviour lid. I had slotted the cross member when fitting the engine so tilted the motor over. Still not enough, so had to take the mounts out again and fit some washers to get the motor higher. Got there in the end, Was trying to get it all ready for the OS drags. Ran firdt start, but idled high, and adjustment to the idle didn't help. Got the friendly mechanic who serviced them to sort. % minutes kater that was sorted. Will go back after xmas to fine tune. At the drags I fouled a plug, idling to long. Quick clean and managed a 17.92 second @ 121 kmph. Fouled the plugs again at the monthly meet, so brought some hotter plugs. Seems to have worked.
  2. I brought a new dissy with electronic points for $220 on TM from a guy in Henderson. Being excellent. He always has listings on TM
  3. Cars ready, few spares and gearbox oil in boot. Cruising down early Saturday morning, hope to be there for rego at 8.30am.
  4. Who's going? Im heading down early Saturday morning with another Escort. Coming back that night. Whole weekend looks good. http://www.britsatthebeach.co.nz/
  5. Slow progress this week due to busy time at work. Started to reassemble the back half. Ordered a new element as even though it worked, it was on it's way out. Photos to follow
  6. Not much to report. Have stripped the crazy cracked bonnet and painted it black. Its quite good, I can see why rally/race cars do it, as it stops reflection on sunny days. Paint has settled down, not so stripey now After last Wednesday's night garage session with the boys, I needed to fit a choke to the weber. It runs great, but you need to be in the car pressing the throttle to keep it going until warm when it would idle fine. I took it off as it was hard to push the choke off when warm. The panelbeater had pulled the choke cable when it wasn't connected and it had come right thru. Thought it was the metal arm connected to the butterflys that was sticky. After an enjoyable hour of garage time, I shortend the cable which got rid of a frayed piece of wire. Problem solved. Just need fine weather now
  7. Motherboards can be expensive. Check out coffeeparts.com.au for prices. I use them and have found them excellent. Also check out coffeesnobs.com.au , forum for all things coffee, good for sale section.
  8. Pretty sure its 10amp plug. Hard to tell without knowing whats wrong.
  9. You wont save much space. Rancilio Silva are great for home. Can be pimped with temp control, new about $1100, secondhand $500, parts easy to get.
  10. Cheers for that. Ive got lots of Rancilios that we use for work, so always need items.
  11. What the hell do you need a heater for? Going to church Sunday morning?
  12. LOL. We have to empty it between boils otherwise it tastes shite. Wasn't cheap either
  13. I find TM to hard to get bargins. I always buy from another source. Stick your nose into cafes or roasters and ask. Commercial machines are cheaper secondhand than the Rockets etc. Small 2 groups (handles) are great.
  14. Alright, onto cleaning. Im just working on the back half of the machine as the cleaning process is different and I hate everything in pieces all at once. Took heaps of photos to help reassemble later. Borrow the fresh vege bin out of the fridge while no one is looking. Add lots of boiling water. Raid the tinny house of your fav drug dealer and add heaps of acid to the brew. As you can see, acid not only stuffs your mind, it cleans copper in minutes. A shot of looking in the boiler where the element would be. Yuk The boiler goes in as well. As you can see ( if you haven't done lines of the white powder) everything is all roses and nice colours. I will left it all soaking over night. Tomorrow I will check the boiler. It might need a shake will some nuts and bolts to remove the shit. Another soak will be done after that. Beer time.
  15. Your on. But I feel sorry for the people drinking from this the last few years. Got the element out, some real nice lime deposits inside the boiler. Water was grey with lime. Yum
  16. Picked this 2 group La Scala commercial machine for next to nothing. Took all the side panels off. Looks like it will have to be descaled. All the crap it due to water leak which usually means tap water has being used without a good filter. Came from a country pub. Has E61 group sets [/url] Was told it wasn't working. With the side panels off, I turned it on with a water supply fitted. Pump started and sucked up water. Within a minute it was coming out of the pressurestat. Machine started to heat up. Both volumetric control panels worked with water coming out off group heads, Sweet. Turned off after a few minutes. Started to remove the boiler. url=http://www.iforce.co.nz/View.aspx?i=j4czxjf3.3rh.jpg] Boiler out. More tomorrow url=http://www.iforce.co.nz/View.aspx?i=xpadj43x.u2e.jpg][/url]
  17. Keep them, Billy won't mind. Then drop the car two inches
  18. Was that the practice lap???????? Didn't hear it bouncing of the cams
  19. Two new floors fitted,POR15 to go on yet. Petrol tank coming out to get this little sucker welded
  20. Took the Escort into friendly old school boys, GT Refinishers in Penrose for rust repairs. Seven days later and they have being busy.
  21. Passed another WOF. Still need to get cert for engine and brakes etc. Might take off road in winter and get rust in front guards sorted.
  22. Wheres the best burgers then? Im keen for more fast food.
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