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About EvoBilly

  • Birthday 28/09/1983

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  1. sounds like you will need to build more cabins there has been a real lack of builds from yoeddynz on here lately time for another big one
  2. video of it boosting is required
  3. need steering made to work can link it to the handle you hold so both you and child can steer it ive seen it set up like that somewere trying to find info Edit: donno how much you can see or find but heres a link to one http://www.sickntwisteddesigns.net/hotrodst.html also seems like the ones like what your making have fake front wheels and a dummy swivel wheel under front so you can turn when pushing can be seen in this vid
  4. this will be Alex and Hannah racing in no time https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=293702577457976&set=o.231641637024196&type=2&theater
  5. bet outdoor shower fun in winter with frost all around
  6. yeah link above photo is to buy it located in nelson lol or could always go back to the plane crash idea lol keep up the good work
  7. you need one of these hiding on ya land guest accom built in 1974 http://www.realestate.co.nz/2283163
  8. ive got a 180ltr old copper hotwater cylander was hooked up mains and wet back ive pulled out of my project house was working fine we just going mains pressure upgrade was made in 1977 might be a bit overkill for what you need tho was looking at selling to scrap man also got some copper pipes that ive pulled out of house and could clean up real nice and alot of rimu bits
  9. i saw this pop up on my bookface and thought it was your place for a min lol
  10. i think i shared this with you a while ago but seems a bit fitting with this build its long but has some cool small builds to stay in incase you want to skip to it starts with one you can tow with your bike at around 12mins in but basicly everything he does is cool
  11. Velcro is your friend for those sorts of things
  12. now whats everyone going to talk about
  13. awaiting photos of box in place
  14. is this up and running yet?
  15. for when your ready to expand 31 shipping containers could get you this http://www.offgridquest.com/homes-dwellings/home-stylings/186-31-shipping-containers
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