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Everything posted by crazytim

  1. last bonfire we had a bunch of sweet couches to sit on... until it burnt down and one by one on they went... if anyone wants to get rid of any old furniture, evidence, bodies etc dump them at mine.
  2. Lots of parking, if you have any crap laying about your whare or friends/relatives etc who can't wait for inorganic collection bring it along to add to the stack. Have a bunch of couches there already. Kid friendly venue (watch em around the fire/my goat) Thought I'd offer anyway as fire is cool. Bring something for BBQ and to lube your throat... fire will be sparked when its dark enough, feel free to rock up in arvo and marvel at the slowest car build ever (I'm so fucking lazy- abuse me to finsih please please) PM for address etc or giz txt 02102921539 Crazytim
  3. Will post event for bonfire then... my 2c, Tara got the bestest zinger in and the gay MX5 debate should have ended right thurr!
  4. I tried to drag my feet at work (AUT City Campus) but couldn't be arsed hanging around any longer as I was too poor to eat burger anyways and mished home at 6.30... feel like I missed out : ( Anyone keen to come up to Muriwai for a bonfire? thinking weekend after next.
  5. have a mate out west (henderson valley rd) who has just got a tig... he works fairly cheap too, yal should see the gnarly rust he chopped out of a starlet like yours, panel, paint $1100!!! and done to a good standard too although he don't got no booth. If you want his number PM me, he is a real GC to know!!
  6. If you want a WoF pass today and can get to Kelston giz buzz bro, will sort it! $60...
  7. too broke for Buggerfuel... see you awesome cunts at the next one!
  8. Crazytim is failing at leaving Auckland... 02102921539 someone text me which room whatever unless yal will be up... I shall drive briskly with no idea how fast I am going until the law tells me (dam speedo cable)
  9. so anyone keen to leave Ak after traffick? dont fancy adding an extra hour to trip plus gives me time to do all the shit I procrastinated on (and spend a lil time with my daughters before heading away for a selfish weekend of uber goodness!) 4hr trip so thinking if I head out at 630pm will be down around 1030/11ish... so cant wait, this shit is gana be sooooooooooo good! (assuming I dont break my car)
  10. Tims still plus 1 sorry... now where the fuck is this place?
  11. hmmm was thinking after work but dont actually have a lot of work on (unfortunatly) but that can change with a single fone call! so was thinking after traffic dies a little... if this sounds like anyone holler out and will meet somewhere!
  12. what time are Jafa Boes heading down on thursday.... eeeeek cant believe tis only a few more sleeps!
  13. I'm only just coming to terms with the conditions. Wheres the love OS? No one wanting to be my little spoon... rough, will try convince the boss to come so I don't have to sleep alone in a big boy bed!
  14. if anyone else wants in on this my +1 is no longer coming... I prefer to be the big spoon though
  15. I have 3 mates who are registered sparkies and GC's... will txt them and see who wants some.
  16. Sweet! What a delightful shot of Lance's ass. A cautionary note: It's best to watch it with the sound off and Barry White playing softly in the background.
  17. *SP ponders this comment then shrugs in agreement* Vote for linglings name to be added to this list (and mine when off my FACE)
  18. Sorry Nedmond... was away from interwebs, for future ref 02102921539 (or stalk my website)
  19. Crazytim likes repeat performances- yes he does, good on you all!!! Trophy cab needed now...
  20. any extra seats left... cant really afford but just sold last two piglets... heheh
  21. sucked lots. went and got a dogbone tattooed on my forearm withn all my old dogs names and dates last night. was pretty churr
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