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Everything posted by Flippy

  1. Fuck mark. That was pain full to read
  2. PWNT shouldn't have wasted loan on so much grog / me
  3. Great your alive..!!! Mean crash too gutted about the car tho !
  4. Stories!!!!?!?!! Jesse half explained shit tommorow was to pissed to remember..... Sounded epic
  5. Or you just paint it black and the wof guys wont pick up on it eh jesse.
  6. MEMORY FOAM / leave manly arse print in seat, no one will want to drive will be aws
  7. Oh for real? actually have to get it certed? meh not like i wanna fill my car up with people anyway
  8. anyone got a Car trailer i could borrow in hamilton
  9. Ha looks tidy and IS tidy are a complete different ball game. holes in the floor pan hole in a pillar was bogged to fuck, so thats why... They just blasted and primed. Got Graeme Collett to do the Panel work.
  10. Half remember the last time i was on the beach with my car haha... roffle as roadtrip that one. aye mark ahha
  11. If it all turns to shit you can store it at Yowzers house till you sort it out... which reminds me jesse photo it!!
  12. IMO the stock one is mean i love the design and what not on it.. Just eneds to be metal
  13. Marks asleep to the world.. Momo knock off ftw hard. Im PRETTTTYY sure mine is and i lub it.. Except when the center cap pops out when you mildy accelerate and sets the horn off
  14. Ive always wanted to do that.
  15. STOCK but replaced with chrome.. get blinded stz every corner
  16. A for the chrome Faggot my cars awesome. not man enough to turn the crown as is let alone with go kart wheel
  17. This = flippy/Ben http://img261.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img5992nx3.jpg (the one lying down) OH YOU BASTARD BRAD!! hahaha loving the table man.
  18. Oh you should remember once you see a pic ... i remember you theres one shit photo that im in http://picasaweb.google.com/oldschool.co.nz/OldschoolTrackdayNationals07/photo#5081749188000236274 group of three on the left.. im the on the right end.. zoom in other wisae you wont see it
  19. Needs to get the photos and make a os Primaryschool style photo. Backrow blahblahblah middle blahblahblah Class of 07' etc..
  20. that was being a bit keen eh. takes like 40 mins from jesses. Well it took 40 mins every day with my super paced walking to get from school to my place at the lake... And drunks walk slow... took me like 2 hours to get home one was roffle
  21. Town takes a good hour to walk cunt.. so not ever doing that smashed again. It's not Melville so to speak "deanwell" cunts round there are all shit never had any trouble (cept the time someone slashed your tires eh jesse HAHA) Pretty sure that was the neighbour tho..
  22. Yowzer / Jesse wants to have a otp as his place... When are you guys/girls keenzor?
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