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Everything posted by tortron

  1. Every now and then I go on trademe and search for a good car I do this by limiting the distance to a couple hours from me Live rego Price lowest to highest. One day it will work, but for now I have a 1998 Nissan Wingroad JS jdm import with engaged driving style 5 speed manual and fuel sipping GA15de engine. That's right fuel injection wow. Absolutely grot, but it ran, had a couple weeks wof and rego and actually made it from coro Town to Auckland faster and more comfortably than the ractus
  2. Snow camo vinyl to protect the OG paint plz
  3. bag sites booked in ohope and gisborne as is tradition, guess il send bill a request out of politeness
  4. I originally read that as saying it should bolt to the original mountng holes, but I guess that's not what it means. It's a luggage rack isn't it anyway Linging here, but you can also do a mid brace across behind the front seats and use the lower belt bolts to mount it
  5. heh just like an oil bath filter 10/10
  6. How many Watts can the bike output too I guess lol. Dont do that if you have a plastic lens on something tho
  7. oh, unless its a wierd old brit thing i guess, low light morries for example had a set up where low beam was just one lamp and high was both. but chuck that out and make it low and hig on seperate circuits
  8. From a Barry shed/broken myford Probably faster to import one
  9. Theres a turbo in there incase you missed it
  10. If you like Yellow bikes, but want something garbage that probably wont make it, i also got an 86 DR250 mostly ready
  11. If you like Yellow bikes, but want something garbage that probably wont make it, i also got an 86 DR250 mostly ready
  12. But genuinely as i said before i was thinking of taking my dr200 if its not considered outside of the spirit of the event 1980s farmbike is probably ok otherwise i got some other shitbikes
  13. PFFFFFTTTT GN250s have always been allowed and they are high capacity and highly capable
  14. needed to fill up on diesel you reckon man how to you carry more than a can or two on a bike? and then they are fizz bombs. not for me thanks im high on shit bikes
  15. smaller battery will probably save 10kg
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