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Posts posted by kyteler

  1. Hey man, long time no see.

    I think your biggest issue is available space. 

    I would cut out those resonators, use that space to collect back into a single earlier, try squeeze a proper muffler into the centre. Alternatively run a two in single out at around the same place.

    Your biggest issue would then be the rear muffler.  If you're down to 2.5 you'll have more space, maybe send it to the opposite side it is now, put an additional muffler in then have the final muffler have a decent length of pipe afterwards. 

  2. I'm in a similar situation with MC22s.  Nothing for ages then just after I dumped way too much money on something else, 4 are now on for prices that I could have got them had the other nonsense not occurred. 

    Oh well. 

  3. On 24/01/2021 at 17:52, scooters said:

    Good call but the mount section of the mirror has a very round fender to mould to. Probs not as tall as the D21.. 

    That makes me wonder whether they're from something far later like a Nissan Crew taxi or Y31 Cedric/Gloria taxi. 

    I say taxi because they still use them as Taxi's today in Japan so they're late as fook but some still roll fender mirrors. 

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  4. The Y30 had covers on the holes but I discovered when I took the guard liner off that it used to have mirrors installed in the past because the old spring bases were still there and dropped out... Hahah. 

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  5. After seeing @scootersfender mirror conundrum I remembered that I had C31 Laurel fender mirrors that I used to use on the C110, I won't be using them for that anymore so I thought I'd try them on the Gloria.

    Angles are a bit off but not too bad. 

    They'd be an OK one to look out for, for you as well, @scooters


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    • Haha 1
  6. Z home is brought to you by Carl Beck.  Carl Beck is a renowned for "everything was built for America" character. He purports that the Z was built for the American market, makes all kinds of wild statements about L-series design being for America and starting with a 4cylinder.

    He "translates" things toward his own bias. 

    Not a valid source of information. 

    Even with that said, stating "using a Mercedes OHC design" is akin to saying "using a in line 6 OHC design" and does not directly translate to a copy of a Mercedes engine unless you want it to.

    It's fairly safe to say that if Nissan had copied the Mercedes engine there would have been a stack of court cases.  There are none. 

    So either it's a different design or Mercedes was happy for someone else to use their tech... 

    That's pretty likely.. 

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