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Everything posted by WankBankA100

  1. Hit up Anaconda Honda in Te Aroha. I'm looking at $370 for piston & rings, head gasket, head stem bearings, all wheel bearings and seals, timing chain, and a couple of other bits, which I think is pretty well priced. Can't remember the full list now. What piston pin size does the CT90 run?
  2. Yeeeers I'll need to get my mits on some CB50 stickers actually................
  3. Yeah, I'm in same boat on a CB100, but I'm doing ground up rebuild at the mo. Just started! Also will need to do re-vin process.
  4. How dare you beaver... Next time we see each other, scraps are on, for a second or two, until I revert back to my natural teddy-bearish state.
  5. That's the problem when one supplier absolutely dominates the parts importation business. No fucks given...
  6. Ah, awesome mate... (Not awesome about date being pushed out - last time it took me 6-9 months from memory to get my indent order of Shinko's). Hopefully they'll start keeping better stock of the Shinko SR241 range in NZ moving forward.
  7. Yo, did the SR241’s make it to NZ? The 18-2.75’s that is. Been keeping an eye out, and they’re just showing up as indent order everywhere...
  8. Just attach a 5L Heineken keg on the back with strops and she'll be alright!
  9. You guys reckon this would cut it for an aux petrol tank? And how plush is that seat?
  10. I was just short last time, I think. I really should have paid more attention. 7.5L main tank and 2-2.5L aux tank and she'll be all good!!!
  11. Chur chur. Trying to work out Aux fuel requirements. F*ck jerry cans.
  12. Personally I'd have been stoked if @Truenotch tried to wrestle me. Damn, missed out.
  13. Remind me (could not be arsed trawling through 23 pages), what's the max k's between fuelups?
  14. Wait, have you pre-ordered the SR241's from the order that's coming in later this month? EDIT, i'm being a retard. You mean the current stock they have. Sweet. I'll fight you over the 18's!!
  15. I Run SR241's on my Suzuki A100 and they're gold. They won't always fit in your front fender though, as mine didn't. SO had to ditch the chrome special and replace with a UFO vintage dirt bike fender bolted to underside of the lower tripple clamp. Careful not running front fenders if your wiring loom hangs low, otherwise you'll do what I did and wear the insulators off the wires on the wiring loom when you bottom out the front, which you will on shitty old suspension. I can confirm that there will be more in at the end of the month. I'll be snapping up 2 of them myself. There were 2 indent orders last year, one for 5, and mine for 8. So clearly Whites realised people wanted them!
  16. @Truenotch I'm eligible to receive a shirt? Whoop whoop! Yeah, I'm down for Thursday night.
  17. Fuck yeah, the countdown beginzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. @Truenotch I promise I will not try kill you this year. #dontkickconesyousillyc*nt
  18. Just to be overly enthusiastic, I am still keen to do this. Post Lockdown nangs?
  19. Wear a motorcycle jacket and it's not suuuch a huge issue. I found that the heat issue was only a problem when you stopped, at which point you take the jacket off. I only wore t-shirts under my riding jacket last year, and if you get too hot, you can adjust the ventilation of the jacket on the fly to cool down.
  20. That saddens me! Those dudes were legends... Is there a South Island equivalent of the Escapade/Undertaking?
  21. I heard a rumour none of the QCR guys are making it up this year?
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