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chris r

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Everything posted by chris r

  1. If people have starters/alternator that need looking at I can. And when I'm less broken I can do some auto sparky stuff. I have a new project/toy which I would like a hand with but need to write a list of things to do
  2. I might steal that idea for one of my cars
  3. I'm loving the copper heater pipes! They look sweet
  4. It is earthed now. I was thinking about the primary side but didn't do it for some reason. Will sort that out
  5. The thermal imaging stuff is really cool/fascinating. It'll be interesting to see the results
  6. Is anyone passing Auckland hospital/someone else heading west afterwards that I could scab a lift with?
  7. What is the alternative like? Charging OK? Blown or fucked diodes could cause hunming
  8. Thanks, I just need to work out what to do with all of the other tubes now
  9. All boxed up and mostly done. The switch plate needs tweaking and mounting. Oh and I've got some edging on its way to go around the dekatron. I even guestimated the dekatron orientation correctly too
  10. Only the finest metal butchery will do. My excuse for the shitness is I'm doing it with my left hand Done made some purdy crimps Dekatron base mount I had to clearance it so it'd clear the tranny. I started filling the box, My (distant) English heritage came through with so many un captive nuts. Right about now I'd love a rivnut tool/set. It would of saved hours of time. I think it took me 2 or 3 hours of mucking around to get it to this stage. I quite like the hex head cap screws for some reason .
  11. I made a bracket to hold the dekatron. Started screwing everything into the box. Fuse holder power socket and tranny are in. It was a bit of mucking around with a file for the dekatron as I lost the locking tab for the base. I'll sort out the pics when I get home
  12. I single handedly butchered a piece of ali today. Tried to make some faketina - probably should of left it brushed but got carried away. I attacked it a few times with a wire wheel in a drill to get it pitted, chucked some black on it went and found the heat gun and got the paint semi hard then wet sanded it for a bit and hit it with some clear. I'll wait to the clear has set and see how it looks tomorrow. I tested my shitty crimps on the plugs for the settings and the detatron and everything works. Tomorrow I'll attack the ammo tin and start mounting stuff. I have no idea how I'll hold a screw and get a nut on the end in a box with one hand but thats tomorrows problem. I really need a better phone/camera I
  13. It takes a long time to do anything at the moment. Now that everything works I can start mounting it all. I've made up some switches for setting the time, not going to use the push buttons as there isn't enough space.
  14. I'm pining for this http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=1192886667 (yes I know I i'm a bit gay for liking them) And was wondering if anyone was able to go have a look/test drive for me? I'm happy to supply beerrs/ ca$h for your time.
  15. I was checking everything today and found another couple of transistors that needed their legs bent. Did that and everything works! Even the dekatron! Pics/video tomorrow. Now to put it all in a case
  16. Sat down and spent some more hours on it. The tens weren't working properly. We thought that the transistors weren't turning off. Tested everything a few times and it was all doing everything it needs to. We ended up putting a transistor on a broad and figured that the pin out was completely different to all the data sheets we found. Sorted that and it works properly now. TLDR: the transistors didn't match their datasheet and to we had to bend the legs to get them in the correct place
  17. Have you checked both top and bottom hoses when it's playing silly buggers. If they are noticeably different in temperature it could point to a blockage/lack of flow.
  18. If the l200 rad is pooz no amount of air flow will get it cool. I vote chuck the good original one in and give it a whirl
  19. chris r

    3.5L Rover V8

    So sticky and smelly?
  20. I tried it and it didn't level at all. It'll probably get covered in brake dust anyhow
  21. I found the hammer finish hammerite left the best finish. I found the smooth stuff a bit shit tbh
  22. This is so cool. What you need is more super sweet 80s cars so you have enough to drive a different one each day.
  23. 02 sensor is more for emissions than 'general running' of the car. Black top is map sensor right? Check the vacuum lines etc. Is it using more fuel than usual? Give the coolant temp sensor a trst/try (it's cheaper than a 02 sensor). One day I will need to do a write up on efi
  24. Irrelevant but fuel up here is $2 a gallon. It cost about 23 usdollars for us to go 500 ish miles in the now dead ford. Useless as I didn't record the readings properly I know
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