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chris r

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Everything posted by chris r

  1. I had a nice surprise turn up to work tiday thanks to @Get it done. Progress should be a bit quicker now I can Barry away after work. Made a list to clear my head a bit and help prioritize things and work out some sort of plan. I've got a shopping list of exhaust stuff which ill order tomorrow
  2. That's my plan tbh. Along with redo entire exhaust so i don't have to remove it to remove wheel
  3. My storage is sorted, wheels might need a bit of lube as it looks like its been swimming
  4. I had a sharn to my gearbox guy and he said the carbon synchros are good but often the springs etc are fucked so I'll be ordering a oem kit for now Yip that's the plan Since the gearbag has to be opened to fix the synchro i ordered this. Its only a helical but i don't do enough motorsports to justify a plate diff
  5. Reassembled and made one carb out of the two I had. Wound it over and nothing happened, gave it a dose of crc and a couple of coughs but that's it. Im guessing the barrel is too scored or a tad oversize and tge rings aren't sealing properly. The barrel seemed to slide over the rings too easily when assembling it. I went to measure up for a new rear shock and realised that the starter was hitting the mount. The mount will clear the starter, but once its flipped its not centered anymore. Back to the drawing board for that one. I dummied uo the plastics to feel like I've done something today. The dio triple tree is a interfere fit with the plastics so out with the hole saw .
  6. Making up a lead ends up relatively spendy as the flex(cable) is fairly expensive.
  7. Thr melody i got for parts is in better condition than the 'good' one. Looks like it got warm and ate some rings. I measured and @Raizer ordered me a set of rings. I choose the least scored piston and gave the barrel a quick hone to knock off the rough edges. I'll fit the other gudgeon pin circlip and make a good old cereal box gasket and see if it'll run
  8. I might actually be in something os for once
  9. I didn't trust myself to get it straight any other way really. I eyeballed the angles and they looked to be the same. I guess I'll find out how it behaves once I get it running
  10. I needed to somehow get the Dio stem to fit onto the melody frame. The melody tube is longer and thicker than the dio. Since IT was thicker I gambled that the thinner dio stem tube would fit the melody. Both frames had a date with the grinder and it mostly worked Melody vs dio I'll save those bits for mounting the plastics later Some A+ Grinding skills Couple of tacks and a test fit, Its a bit high so I raised the tube as much as I could. GTFO stand, I can't mount my engine properly In my wisdom I threw out the dio handle bars and of course the melody ones don't fit the Dio stem. I think one of the other nifty bars fitted the dio stem so I'll check my hoard
  11. I did a quick pre check. Windscreen washers don't squirt and horn does not work. Pump was making noises but nothing coming out. I replaced the pump then the switch decided to break. The horn wasn't working as its meant to earthed through its painted mount via the single tek screw holding it in. Since tek screws are clearly gm approved I added another with a bit of wire and it's working. Quick trip to jaycar and one of the many switch holes was filled with a toggle switch for the washers.
  12. Seat belts are in and after a bit of encouragement the doors are open. I managed to get the drivers side latch out and had and figured out why it was jamming. It was full of old grease and Arizona dust which had mixed with the rain water to jam everything up I gave it a good dose of brake clean and re lubed everything and its working perfectly now. Probably the best it ever has in my ownership. The passengers door latch was in much better shape so I gave it a dose brake clean in place. Quick late night trip to washworld to get rid of all the bird shit and its ready for a wof tomorrow
  13. Last time it jammed i pulled it apart from the inside abd spent hours fighting with it. Couldn't find anything jammed external to lstch mechanism or faulty central locking solenoids
  14. Pro tip: Don't work on your cars when jetlagged. I managed to get the passengers door unlocked but the rod came off the latch mechanism in the process. The drivers door lock is jammed/fucked and I broke the plastic knob trying to get it un locked. Anyone got tips/tricks on getting this fucking thing open? I've tried nothing and am all out of ideas
  15. Roof/canopy setup looks lush. Might steal some of your techniques for my wag Nats 2.0 setup
  16. New belts. Plastic buckles not the metal gm ones but having belts that hold you in is more important
  17. I've pitched my own tent. No need for that fancyness
  18. Im planning on coming. Also attending the ride. Just need to get a bike together
  19. They only have a listing for the truck, i should measure mine and compare lengths
  20. Bunnings special, you need about thsr msny bits to drill a hole
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