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Everything posted by SOHC

  1. Tank decals for sale on line had a ruler for size witch makes it easier for copying
  2. This txt looks to be the same and its bigger.
  3. Could someone make me a set of tank decals? someone here was good that.
  4. fitted the swing arm back on this morning with all the sand cleaned out and new grease and O rings, and managed to get the top nut off for the yoke after much heating, I was fitting the new ProX steering head bearings and the bottom one did not fit on the lower yoke spigot because some cunt has been fucking around with the bearing kit and changed the lower bearing for an All Balls bearing, rang the bike shop and they are going to get me a new kit.
  5. Cylinder has been re bored and ports chamfered by Henderson Automotive. I ground off the step at the bottom of the transfer port, I have done this to a few 2 strokes and it makes a big difference.
  6. 4 houses last night to get the swing arm pivot out.
  7. Have you put that video on Ford Barn yet?
  8. I got Darth vapour in Henderson to blast and paint the frame, I got the wheels done as the chrome was bad, I might paint the spokes silver lol, they Are too good to cut out the spoke and scrap the rims. getting the frame painted with the bottom yoke and swing arm on turned out to be a not so good idea, I cant get ether off.
  9. I flattened out a bit of coronated iron and turned it into a steampunk top hat, made the googles to.
  10. One side of the engine is finished, the other side has the odd genuine only bearings on order, polished the forks, took one apart, front brake plate needs a boss welded up for the cable stop as it’s broken, had to fix the side stand as it had been touching the chain and that had cut it in half up the middle for about 40mm, other than that it’s just cleaning huge amounts of old oil and dirt off, this must of been used on a farm as the amount of grass seas soaked in oil was about 30mm thick,
  11. I should have some photos soon but, had to fuck around with one bearing in the gearbox as when I shrunk the new one in it was going tight, but its good now with a FAG bearing. Frame should be finished by Friday and cylinder is off being bored and this morning I dropped the crank shaft to get the new rod kit fitted and got a call this afternoon and thats done, main bearings are still on the way from japan as with seals, and one needle roller bearing I gad to get from the USA. also been making a steel blanking cover for the neutral switch. I got a can of CRC gasket stripper, that shit will do everything apart from what its intended for, petrol thank is now totally bare steel.
  12. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=x-raw-image%3A%2F%2F%2Fb267db48a176211fec25f51b024ba5616db14e92c0349c73c3f3deb39ede6a1e&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.drivehq.com%2Ffile%2Fdf.aspx%3FisGallery%3Dtrue%26shareID%3D7134489%26fileID%3D522925104&docid=_wtRWCM6WsvWoM&tbnid=HyF2oUjbZ7JH6M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwi-wrnmuObkAhVS73MBHU3kDZEQMwhnKBEwEQ..i&w=1184&h=1632&client=firefox-b-d&bih=736&biw=1600&q=1974 Suzuki ts250 piston to bore clearance&ved=0ahUKEwi-wrnmuObkAhVS73MBHU3kDZEQMwhnKBEwEQ&iact=mrc&uact=8
  13. the WR500 makes over 60 HP
  14. Your 100cc 2 stroke would make more power
  15. Ordered most of the engine bits, having trobble finding a TM kick start lever and TM cylinder head. Frame is also at the blasters and will get Duropox chassis paint. Also trying to find some rear shocks that are 340mm eye to eye with a 12mm hole.
  16. We buy 4 strokes, Most cops wont know if you have a 200cc engine, most cops dont even know the law,
  17. This evening I removed all the brackets from the TS frame to turn it into a TM frame, I also welded up the pillion footrest mount holes in the swing arm and shortened and bent the rear frame loop up more, frame is ready for blasting and painting. I am going to be lazy and the swing arm and shocks can stay on, I will take it apart after blasting and painting and clean the shit out as I will be replacing the bearings anyway, shocks will go to the scrap.
  18. you will find weather and altitude will mean life and death, my KX would ping like hell some days and I would have to change the jets. Wr200 should be fun
  19. Most 2 strokes will do this if you keep them wide open long enough
  20. That round headlight looks better than the flat bottom thing, Let me know if you want some chambers made.
  21. I should be doing my Ford engine but I think I can get my money back on this if I ever need to.
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