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  • 2 weeks later...

In typical Alex fashion I started a job without having all the bits to complete it. 

That mess I posted yesterday got covered up today with new underseal but I ran out so only have the one side done so far. I've just sat the trim on there loosely with some incorrectly sized screws but you can get the idea. I think it turned out pretty good. 

The trims looked pretty nasty after years of sitting around so I hit them with a bit of scotch pad to get rid of the muck and surface rust. That'll do. 

  • Like 7

OK last post about painting trims. This time I did the rear but it didn't turn out as good as the front I don't think.

I had to get some new tape and I think this tape is probably shit (it is because I got the cheapest one) and it let a bit of the paint bleed through the edges. I tried to rub some of it off with isopropyl and solvents but it ended up just rubbing the paint off as well. Same problem with using a blade, the paint is so bad the blade just sliced it. 

Then I thought about it and figured it was dumb to stress about these little bits when you look at how the rest of the car looks anyway haha. 10 footer with an instagram filter all day. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on the home stretch for the first part of the interior freshen up. The painting went well as you can see, much improved over the crusty red which was there before. I didn't bother to clean up or dry ice anything just scuffed and spray with my favourite Rustoleum 2x. I also tidied up that little bit of fuel pump wiring as well before putting the seat back in. 

Why didn't I paint the upper part and the sides? Basically I got lazy but also realised there would be scope creep of doing the roof at the same time so I'll take care of that in the near future. Problem is those upper side panels (called sail panels in some places) don't exist anymore. Any that I could find are brittle/fucked or fibreglass/metal which I don't want. Ideally I would like some super good condition OEM ones so I can have them reproduced.. if anyone has any let me know. 

I also thought it might be interesting to get some Butaketsu (C130) Laurel front winkers and see what they looked like. Seems like they're a little large I think for the small front of the Celica. Oh well. I will likely replace the original Celica lenses with clear ones as well as clear front corners in the future. 

I was trying to avoid dealing with this disaster, and still mainly have managed to avoid doing anything but I did try to file in some grooves to make the winder work, maybe it worked a bit better as I was able to get the window up. The window frame or regulator (is that what you still call it if it's not electric?) must be bent because it's quite difficult. Eventually this will need to be addressed I suppose but not today Satan. 

How's the weather tightness

  • Like 9
  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to introduce myself as the world's biggest idiot, but more on that later.

This weekend on the Celica (which I said to myself I wasn't really going to do anything on for a while, ha ha) I wanted to finally get around to painting the rocker cover. She's pretty tidy under there, even though most of it's hidden.

Mildly concerning chain marks.. but not enough to do anything about. Chain seems tight.

Plugs overall not super terrible considering they've been running like 3 year old fuel. Will replace these anyway, as well as the rocker cover rubbers and half moons as they're hard as rocks now and there's a lot of goop in there too.

I used the VHT wrinkle paint and a heat gun, simple process except I would not recommend doing the old Vaseline trick for the accented parts. That works well if you aren't trying to use blowing air to do anything but the problem I had was it actually blew the wet paint off the Vaseline'd part and onto the other stuff. This meant I had to re-do a few bits and as a result it's a bit patchy.

Compared to how it was.. much improved. Problem is now the rest looks shit, how good is scope creep.

So onto why I'm an idiot. Remember how I was struggling a bit to get the wheels evened up and had rubbing issues.. well you might notice something. Yeah I had two different size wheels fitted. I must have told my tyre guy fit one tyre to each size and I'll do some playing around.. and then never switched it.

However, as I looked at things closer I realised actually the new barrels were welded to the wrong wheels. What I mean is there are two inner barrels same then one each outer lip where it should be matching lips on matching barrels. Sooo I have some new tyres to go on another car and I'll take these back to get the lips swapped at the same time and then all should be good in the world again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All done. Plugs came in and gasket came in so I finished up the install. Previous gasket was rock hard as you'd imagine and covered in gasket goop. I didn't use goop this time (time will tell if that was a good idea or not) and definitely used up some back credits with leaning over to scrape off what was on there. I couldn't get any half moon rubber bits for the back so those are still gooped in though. Perhaps I should get some manufactured. 

This makes me realise a few things. I need to get rid of that K-Tuned breather filter which was put on years ago because I just had it laying around and it fit and I'll need to get a new oil cap, or somehow try to restore that one. The plug leads are annoying me too because they're not actually entirely correct. Again, seems difficult to find some which are black and also to suit 2TG that fit nicely. I'd like to get the little bracket that bolts onto the top to keep them in order as well. 

  • Like 4
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Perhaps not super relevant to car builds but maybe they will be part of one of them over time. I've never cut apart a wheel before and lots of people seem to do it so how hard can it be? 

I've had a bit of a break from doing car stuff lately which has been nice but it's mainly because I need to spend money to make things happen and I don't have money, also it's been too cold. What I do have is lots of wheels, a grinder and spare time. I also was binge watching some Barrel Bros videos which hyped me up.

After cutting a while with a grinder that was too small I managed to cut enough of the weld away to then get some chisel action going and smack the front off. I've now ordered a larger grinder for future wheel cuts so this will be considerably more tidy going forward. I wonder if there's some kind of jig I could get or make to have the cuts perfect though, excluding getting a giant lathe. 

Split apart you can see the edges of the face got a bit mangled in places, that's due to the grinder not being large enough and having to use some angle action. In future this should be mitigated however one I cleaned the edges up a bit it would still be fine for welding new lips on, except I don't know how to weld. 

Here are the bolts that came out of the wheels, more corrosion than bolt. One of my Japan friends cleaned up some bolts putting them in toilet bleach and water for a while so I made a concoction of that and also added solvol (industrial hand cleaning stuff) so will see if they clean up at all in the next few days soaking in there.

So I need to find somewhere near my shop that can do diamond cutting and also aluminium welding that will do wheels. Probably not too difficult to find. I already have contact for the wheel lip place that everyone uses so no drama getting new lips for all the different wheels. 

  • Like 5
  • 2 weeks later...

The next sacrifice for my wheel tomfoolery is this 13" starshark. I don't know why I have a 13" starshark. I suspect some whisky was involved in that one as I'm 14" for life. Anyway as you can see it's pretty old and crusty as per everything in my life so I figured why not try a new Rustoleum colour and learn about some new tape as well. 

Previously on this adventure I mentioned about bleed from the cheap ebay tape I was using so I ordered some fancy 3M edging tape. This tape seems more plastic than the other paper-based tape which is probably excellent for stopping bleed but makes it much more difficult to cut cleanly, at least that's what I found. I did a quick scuff over for the old yellow and also ruined the lip in the process by trying to get out as much of the old pitted crust as possible so now it looks matte and uneven.

As you can see I taped around the edge and there's a little gap between the face and the lip which I could (for the most part) slip the blade into in order to get a clean cut. Then after that some more masking and the usual plastic around the outside treatment and into the paint booth. 

Couple coats of this  blue (which actually looks a bit more tiffany blue in real life) and then some gloss clear coat which I've also never tried using before. 

Once the paint was dried and tape pulled off you can see some bleed still but this is actually not from the tape. The reason this happened is the lip is so pitted the paint actually went underneath the tape as there was a gap. 

Also to the surprise of nobody, paint doesn't stick well when the prep is poor. 

Anyway perhaps the finished product is better than the start product? Learnt some more things along the way.

I think in my head the best way to approach this type of wheel would go like this:

1) dip or soda blast it first to get the old shit off
2) Cut the lip off
3) Paint what you want
4) Diamond cut the one star as sanding for an hour for an average finish was not fun
5) Weld new lip on

That way you'd get a clean paint job. I may still do that just for kicks. 

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