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1UZ-FE 1996 LS 400 OBD2 WIRING


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Need a little help. I purchased a 1UZ-FE motor from a 1996 Lexus LS400.

I need to be able to attach a OBD2 code reader. Not sure how to wire a connection to do

this properly. I am using the factory wiring harness for the ECU. Let me know if there is a diagram or something out there. Thanks

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Have you seen this info?

This is how you wire up an EFI Engine. The 1uzfe, 2uzfe, and 3uzfe wiring guide (including diagrams). A comprehensive and detailed guide with over 42,700 views.


Diagrams & Specifications here:

1uz-fe File - https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0WE7dVhvJd_c2ZHanFEVi1kZkU/edit?usp=sharing

Old Post - https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0WE7dVhvJd_UkdWbUNRUU9Zcm8&usp=sharing

This includes 1uz VVTI Diagram(s), 3uzfe, 20v age, and others. vast library

To download the document click on 'file', then download.


Thread Pruned (9/10/2013)

a quick note on VVTI security engines.

- Set up the IMLD output to a 1k resistor and LED light, earth is the IMLD output. - this will give you the security light.

- You need the key amplifier (box, rectangle), and the key coil thing (round thing, around the key, picks up the transponder signal), and the key.

- VVTI engines have the fuel reg in the tank in OEM setup, either work with that or re-configure the fuel system per standard fuel reg, and return line setup.

- The throttle is fly by wire, if you notice the throttle is not fully opening, then you have not provided power to the throttle system. ETCS is that system (Electronic throttle control) - it's a 15amp system, put a fuse on it. Normal VVTI engine is light throttle, quick to rev, feather to the touch.

- Follow the toyota diagram closely, install the open circuit relay, then the descending relays from that. You need that to get the fuel resistor working properly.

- earth out 'power mode' to put the engine in 'power' constantly - cos why wouldn't you.

- patching over the sub o2's for ghost sub o2's still works just fine.

- removing auto trans wiring at the ECU for manual installs has no negative effects.

- SIL is the OBD2 data line, you can solider that wire, twice if you have too, it worked fine for me

- The vvti engine is quite different, but still easy enough to wire up. It's a big job, easily worth paying $2000NZD for.

- I have uploaded alot of VVTI diagrams; today (above date),

- including Japanese diagrams, I found myself working across three diagrams to get enough information to wire an engine up.

- The Japanese diagram used a different plug letter per page, look for the plug numbers at the bottom of each page e.g. G113.

Final note; if you want it to run right, and well, solider the connections, do tidy work, take notes, tag wires. think it through.

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