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Found 11 results

  1. And here is the discussion thread!
  2. Hello. Bit of background first i guess is the place to start... Me (mtbtimr) and my mate (Sammy1222) (both 20 and relatively inexperienced mechanical engineering students) recently bought a 1972 Austin 1300 in bold but original magenta. The aim is to restore this little beauty to its former glory (classic), and learn some about cars etc along the way. Since this is a first for both of us we chose to start with something which was already drivable (WOF and reg). So here she is! Her name is Maggie. Couldn't resist taking it to uni day 2
  3. G'day everyone, thought I'd start a thread for my car as I start to make some bigger changes to it. Little bit of information about me, I'm 15 - turning 16 in January so I can't even (legally) drive my car yet, which sucks I don't have a job but trust me I'm trying, thanks Dad for funding my project and one day, hopefully soon, I'll pay you back! Anyway, the reason you all clicked on this, the car, In August I bought a 1974 Austin 1300 MK III from a group of boy racer wannabees. I paid $500, it had no wof and the reg had just run out (now on hold) My plans for it are to get everything working again for January when I get my license and add a few period items along Also when I can find one and have the money, twin carbs! The car as soon as it'd been towed home. The idiots had let the suspension down which does look pretty sweet, but was ruining the underside of the car and fairly sure that one of the rear displacers is torn. Maybe one day I'll make something up so it can be permanently this low Few of the bad points: They said it was overheating and they had tried to put another head on it - turns out it was an 1100 head so didn't work too well. Luckily they still had the 1300 head in the boot. The interior is in a bit of a bad state. Now pictures Engine the day I got it, after about an hour helping my Dad we had it running, roughly but enough to move it up the driveway Front Interior, dash starting to deteriorate, carpets stained and faded (I have dyed them back to blue), small hole in headlining, drivers seat ripped and steering wheel center cracked First thing I did after this was get rid of the twink and gave it a wash Most major bit of rust, in the footwell kick panel. I will try and update this regularly, have done a couple of major things in the space between August and now but those are for another post Discuss: http://oldschool.co....74-austin-1300/
  4. “I have no idea why why i'm doing this, it was a good idea at the time.” The story of this project begins with a little 1.3 Mk2 golf 3 door with a 4 speed manual delivered to MR J.G. Morton of London on the 4th of April 1984. The car was then imported into New Zealand in 1987 with 23000 miles on the clock. It enjoyed regular servicing and maintenance right up until a couple of years ago when someone decided the car was totally worthless and used it as a piss wagon. They drove it up a beach path and into a tree. It was green stickered, dereged and stuck on facebook for $300 which is where I come into the picture. I bought it to nab the trans and make an auto 1800 Mk2 golf a manual. When it was bought home we had a good look and realised the engine blocks were different. Wrong box...shit. A few bits were taken off it to make the auto pass a warrant and the little 1.3 was parked at mums and forgotten about for six months. Now I want to get it on the road. So, are you sitting comfortably? Good. Then we shall begin. First step was to clean the inside of the car out as it was foul. I picked up The seats and door cards out of a GTI off trademe so that saves me getting the originals fixed but the rest of the interior still needes work. Ill get to that later. Discussion is here //oldschool.co.nz/index.php?/topic/53908-carsnz123s-1984-volkswagen-mk2-golf-3-door/
  5. So i should finally start posting on here. Bought this at the end of last year and have been slowly stripping it down to respray.
  6. Thought i would post up a build thread on my little red austin! little story , im only 16 and had been going past this car seeing it parked for about a year since it stopped working , i asked them if they wanna sell it and ended up getting it for $100 but it has quite abit of rust and a little diff/gearbox issue ive been told , so im planning to get it back legal and on the road for my first old school car
  7. Hey guys. Im new to the forum. Ive just picked up my first project, a 1973 morris 1300. Its pretty much complete and original. its gona take me a while on a student budget but ill get there haha. any help or info on morris 1300's would be much appreciated Its got a little bit of rust in the floor pans and the boot, and surface rust all over the body but apart from that it seems pretty solid. who knows what ill find when i look harder tho haha.
  8. discussion for my build thread //oldschool.co.nz/index.php?/topic/51933-samdash17s-1975-austin-1300/
  9. hi there, so i recently brought a 1975 (or74) austin 1300. got it for $2000 of a friend who needed the money for uni. i had always wanted one and when the opportunity came up i jumped at the chance. it has a wof and rego and at the moment im using it as my every day driver to get to work. my plans for it later on would be to make it original but for now i am going to have fun and make it into a old school raty. there is a lot of work to be done- body work, little bit of rust, paint, and chrome, just to start, but thats all for later. if anyone can give me any advice or tips and tricks i am aways up to learn new stuff. and ill most likely be asking for advice a fair bit. thanks everyone (pictures will follow, soon!) (discussion)
  10. new to all this, i have the thread started for my austin build, if anyone has and advice please comment or whatever, constructive criticism is always welcome
  11. Well this car has been in the family for a very long time, used to be my mums daily car, then she stopped using it and my grandpa drove it (got a fair few dings from him sadly) Then my grandpa couldn't drive any more so it was stored in their garage for 8 years. We got it out of storage just over a year ago, got my uncle to come up and get it running again Anyway, its rego is on hold (don't want to lose the old skool original looking white-on-black plates) and it failed its WOF for some stupid reasons which are easy fixes So here it is now, starts first pop every time, doesn't blow too much smoke haha Just needs brakes bled and the clutch is starting to stick - uncle comming back up to auckland soon so will get him to check it while hes up Its 100% original, with 54,000 miles on the clock I will get some better photos of it when I take it for its drive around the block tomorrow to stop anything ceasing up like last time (someone left its handbrake on for about 7 months storage which got jammed on last time)
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