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Everything posted by felixx

  1. Im keen as for another one soon but my weekends are fucked until easter However school holidays are after that too, making it difficult for some due to holidays etc But lets name a date and do it
  2. Well thanks to Wayne, Karl and Bart for a stellar weekend I forgot to take any photos but it was hot weather Happy but restless kids Will trade again
  3. got a 3x5m tarp and will cut poles to make a big shade area. Bart your gayzeebro would be useful. I have one too See you kids tomorrow or sat
  4. Also a deck chair, a torch, and some cooking gear if you have it.
  5. Don't forget your surf casting gear, if you have a Bluetooth device full of music that will be good otherwise it's only Leonard Cohen, pink Floyd, iron maiden and dropkick murphys
  6. Mof, that looks just like the 'BOOSTER' on my parent's old yunca wegj it used to boil the water in the cylinder it was awesome
  7. This is epic. Truly Epic! I think I will have to take the family to stay with Beka's friends in Nelson, then I can spend quality time chilling with you guys next summer! I will bring my MTB
  8. Sounds good Wayne do you want to roll up with the kids and I Going newschool due to Anglia not being well
  9. What time do you guys finish work? I was thinking of getting on the road mid arvo so we have time to set up etc. If you want to convoy we can leave a bit later Who is going? Any questions 0275 two six two eight thirty three
  10. OK Who is coming? Do we want to do communal cooking? Cheviot is a 10min drive This is a basic site, no power, no coverage, you will need chillybins and ice Thanks
  11. I have booked the northern end of the Buxton campsite Bring some tarps and ropes for a communal shelter
  12. Nice! That will make you popular with the kids
  13. So I believe we have Myself (plus 2 kids) Wayne Sam and Samantha Karl plus 1(?) Born Loser? I will ring gore bay on tuesday so let me know if youre keen Also who has spare gear I have a 2 man tent a stretcher a cooker and lantern I would envisage communal cooking for dinner and lunch and you sort your own kids breakfast and snacks I dont want to over organise (I know I do this sometimes)
  14. I need to know numbers so I cab book gore bay
  15. this is the best thing to happen this christmas
  16. Well I am off to Motunau for new years. I was going to take the Anglia but it is not charging. The alternator provides 14.4 V for the first 5 min of running then stops charging. So the work wagon will be towing the teardrop up. It has the spearfishing gear, shotgun, .22 and AK fitted so should be sweet for a fun evening.
  17. Dammit I have to take the boy to his mates 6th birthday sun arvo fuck it
  18. This is good but gore needs booking as it fills up
  19. neices count mate! The more the merrier.
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