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Everything posted by gtrefinishers

  1. hahhaha i like it!!!! but wat bout enamel???? and a brush hahha 'henry ford' did it
  2. if your using base coat with a 2k clear have about 10 mins between base coats then bout 15 before you clear if its just a sloid 2k just leave bout 10-15 between coats and do 2-3 coats depending on how transparent the colour is
  3. first question is what are you painting it with 1k enamek 2k base clear? spray cans?
  4. demon graphics is the guy i use http://www.demongraphics.co.nz steve is the guy there tell him i sent you to him
  5. most etch primers are acid based and you can coat you bare steeel with this fin but you cannot go over it as it will not adhere properly and will caus more problems in the long run, best way to go is a epoxy primer which is a 2pac metal sealant/primer. this is designed to seal off any bare metal and give you a good substrate to start and bog/repair work on top of. worst comes to worst, wait till ya saved up the cash and take it in to be done properly first itme, as if you decide to do bits and peices like this yourself then at a later stage take it to a shop to get painted ect it will all have to be removed and redone for the shop to provide any type of warrenty on the work may help may not http://www.gtrefinishers.co.nz
  6. sorry haha there are so many forums out there its hard to find them all, i nly found this because someone posted a link to my site and it showed up in my stats,
  7. we cant really go any cheaper than we are at the mo, it is very hard to find a shop that will do a full panel and paint for around 4k there is alot of work that goes into a car time wise. but for sure we can look after you guys and gals if your after some work done. we will sometimes have offers on certian work we can give a discount on ect but it does depend on the work load and weather we have time to fit in the deals. we deal with a few car clubs and are out there to help out in any way we can and understand building a car isnt an easy thing to do . the special offers will only pop up now and again but i will post them in here when they do feel free to contact us if you want a quote or to talk bout possibilitys for your car. thanks
  8. thanks for the plug. check out the website if you wanting any work done on your cars and send us a email if your interested resprays start from $2200 usually lookin between $3000 -$4000 for a full colour change ect we also do custom fiberglass and steel body work grant@gtrefinishers.co.nz
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